Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Change Your Perspective

My days during the week are consistently similar. Although the evenings at time take shape differently, the majority of my day is a pattern of the same. I've thought a lot about this recently, and the temptation there is for me, or anyone for that matter, to find themselves trapped in a routine, forgetting to be mindful of God's constant working in even the mundane. We usually look forward to the weekends, often because these are the days we get to fill with what we want to do, or maybe just because we get that extra hour of sleep, or a chance to catch up on all the housework. Our weekdays can often become a vicious cycle of the norm. We fix our eyes on the end of the week, hoping each day would only go by quicker. But wait...what if we're missing something. What if the mundane is actually just as precious, purposeful and enjoyable. What if the problem is our perspective?

The fact of the matter is life is a vapor, we aren't guaranteed tomorrow; and in a world as chaotic and ever-changing as ours, this ought to burden our hearts. James writes in chapter 4, verse 14: "Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." But do we really believe this? Because if we did, it would radically change our perspective. In light of eternity, how should we live? Below are just a few encouragements that I believe will help you change your perspective about the mundane, everyday days, and help you refocus on reality.

You're Alive for a Reason!
It is a measure of grace that you woke up this morning, and another that you are breathing this very second. In God's infinite wisdom and design, He purposed that you would be alive today doing whatever it is that He has entrusted to you (going to school, working, keeping a house, raising kids, etc.). His work with you isn't finished. He is still at work in your life conforming you into the image of Christ. And He still has things He wants to accomplish through you. Stop and give Him thanks for your very life, for the ability you have been given to go to school, to work, to raise a family, or whatever the case may be. And remember it's not by chance you're alive today, there's a reason...glorify Him in ALL you do!

You're Alive Forever!
As a child of God you have been given a hope that is imperishable and unfading. You, like me, might anticipate what it will be like to meet Jesus face to face, and that very thought often drives you to living for Him. In those moments in life where you are downcast, burdened, or feel as though things might be mundane, stop and remember the TRUE LIFE you have eternally. Use each and every opportunity here on earth, whether it be teaching your children about the Father's love, or conducting a business meeting, as a chance to glorify God. See each circumstance as purposed by your Father in heaven for your good and His glory. Store up for yourselves treasure in heaven. Use your life, both the mundane days, and the 'amazing' days to honor Him, knowing that both pale in comparison to one day with your Maker.

You're Alive Today!
As James said, our life is a vapor, and we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. One of Jonathan Edward's resolutions reads, "Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life." This is a pretty challenging and powerful way of thinking that will no doubt transform your living today. If you change your perspective from tomorrow to today, everything changes. You must refocus your mind on what is reality, and that is today. You have only been given today, nothing else, and because of that you must decide to make the best use of the time you have been entrusted with. Use each opportunity for the glory of God. Redeem each moment. In those mundane moments, find joy in knowing Christ has purposed them just for you. Look for teachable moments with your children. Look for opportunities to share the gospel with your co-workers. Look for God-honoring ways to study, do homework, or prepare a project. You're alive today, rejoice in the day the Lord has given you, and redeem it for His glory. After all, it may be your last.

The reality is you aren't given the promise of another day on this earth. In light of that Truth, you must change your perspective on each day. You must remind yourself that each day is purposeful, precious, and providential. You must seek to find opportunities to redeem the time, redeem the situation, and bring glory to God. Look for opportunities to be taught by His grace, and be thankful for the work He is doing in and through you. There is no such thing as a purposeless day in the eyes of our Maker, but do we really live that way? We must change our perspective!

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