Wednesday, February 23, 2011

He is LORD

It is quite amazing how watered down the Gospel has become in modern Christianity. It is heartbreaking to see the amount of false conversions that never produce any fruit, changes in behavior or life, and real saving faith. Even more sad, the deception that pastors all over the country, and world, are responsible for, as they preach a false Gospel, unbiblical and unsaving. Where do we go from here then? I wish I could say it was something difficult which would give these heretical teachings, deceptive lies, and terrible false conversions some sort of excuse, but that is far from the truth. It's simple, it's clear, and it's found where it has always the very Word of God.

In Luke 9:23-25, Jesus himself tells us what it means to be saved..." Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? "

Wait a second, you might be thinking, isn't Jesus' command to just believe? Well, yes, but I would argue that belief is more than a mere profession, a moment of agreement, for it to be real. If you really believe something, it CHANGES YOUR LIFE. And you see, Jesus didn't stop at just believe, he specifically called those who believed, to FOLLOW HIM, to be His "disciples" and to a life of obedience.

I have been listening to JMac's series on Lordship salvation and have been blessed, stretched, challenged, encouraged, convicted, and comforted. Some see the whole idea of Lordship salvation as wrong, a works based salvation, rather than a grace based. But the reality is that you are saved by grace, and if you are truly saved by grace, you will be transformed by the grace, changed, and that change will result in a new life, which produces a genuine love for God, obedience to Him and His Word, and ultimately fruit.

Jesus MUST be Lord of your life. You do not make Him Lord. The power of the Gospel transforming YOU, makes Him the sovereign Lord of your life. You willingly submit, prayerfully follow, and surrender all to His sovereign hand of control. There is no easy-believism with true saving faith. It is a miraculous event by the Spirit's drawing that changes the saved FOREVER. It results in a precious love for the Savior and a surrender to His Lordship, willingly. The life of the saved is kept in Christ, you can't lose that salvation, in Jesus Himself says that nobody can snatch His kids from His hand, not even satan. The life of the saved is evident, people see the change and can spot the true born again believer.

The answer to all these false conversions as people fall away, is to replace the watered down Gospel with the Biblical Gospel found in the WORD of God. To preach a true salvation, of repentance and faith. To call people, as Jesus did, to count the cost and to leave it all to follow Him. The truly called will come, and the ones who were never His won't be deceived.

If He saves you, you WILL love Him. If you love Him, you WILL obey Him. If you obey Him, you WILL produce fruit. Fruitless Christianity is not Christianity at all.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Life Manual/Directions

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness--so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Can you imagine trying to do or fix anything without a manual or set of directions of how it worked or could be fixed? You'd try, probably try again, and if you hadn't succeeded after the hundredth try, chances are, you'd probably give up...I know I would.

When God called us to live lives set-apart, holy and in obedience to Him, He didn't leave us empty handed. He didn't call us to something we had no way of understanding, or without the "manual" or "directions" on how to succeed. He gave us a life manual, His very Word, God-breathed and perfectly inspired, in order that we might live for Him!

I know I take His Word for granted far too often. I live in a country where I can own a Bible in my own home, where I can speak about the Bible in public forums without being afraid of being martyred, where I can hold countless commentaries and versions or access them at any moment on the world wide web. I have the Word, the life manual He has given me, and yet the question begs, do I BELIEVE that it is what it claims to life manual? Do I truly believe that it is inspired by the very God of all, that it is profitable for teaching, for rebuking and correcting, for training me up in holiness? Do I believe that it is the very thing God uses to complete us, to equip us, to sustain us? And if I say I do, does it show?

I know that I need it each day, just to get by, so do I indulge in it?

I know that I grow from it with each word, so do I meditate upon it throughout the day?

I know that I find peace and joy and hope in it, so do I run to it when discouraged?

I know that I get strength through it, so do I fall down on my knees in weakness and cry out to be filled?

I know it is the fuel my Spirit burns, so do I burn for it?

I know it is the very words of God, instructing my every step, but do I know it and listen and obey it?

Grace gems had a wonderful little devotional by J.R. Miller that reminds us to be in the Word that blessed me, and I hope will do the same for you:

Paul has no uncertain word about the inspiration of the Scriptures. The Bible alone is the Word of God. Holy men wrote it as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. There are other good books in the world--but none like the Word of God.

We ought to read the Bible reverently--since God speaks to us in its pages.

We ought to believe it--for His Word must be absolutely true.

We should obey it--since what God commands must be right.

We may yield our whole life to its influence--to be guided and fashioned by it.

Scripture is profitable for teaching--that is, for instruction in all matters that concern life.

It is profitable for rebuking--it shows us our sins, our follies, our mistakes.

It is profitable for correcting--to bring us back from wrong ways to right ways.

It is profitable for training in righteousness--it gives us instruction for all true and beautiful living.

"So that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." The purpose of the Bible is to make complete men of us. If we follow it in everything--it will show us the right way, it will reveal to us the perfect ideal of Christian character, it will inspire us to holy living.

May we believe and act upon that, and get in the Word and treasure it for what it is!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


I have written before about the wonderful ministry that is Grace Gems ( , whose daily devotional I highly recommend you subscribe to. Today’s devotion came at a perfect time for me, a time when I needed refreshment and a reminder that the season I am in is the EXACT season God has PLACED me in and CALLED me to. I know I wrote about a similar topic last week, but I must reiterate the point, because if you are anything like me, you forget often.

God’s plans for us are always PERFECTLY RIGHT, the problem is, they are not always the way WE see as perfect and right. In Psalm 107:7 we read, “He led them forth by the right way—to a city where they could settle!” He was the one who guided them, He was the one who had planned the way, He was the one who had marked their footsteps in advance, and He was the one who would sustain them until the end. It is the same for us. He is the one who has led us forth in the RIGHT way and He will be the one who sustains us until the end, even when we think we can’t go another step.

James Smith said, “. We want . . .
 and honor. 

But the Lord intends that we shall have . . .
 fortitude, and
 confidence in Himself alone. 

His design is . . .
 to empty us, 
 to strip us, 
 to humble us, 
 to force us before His throne of grace;
 to endear the adorable Savior,
 to sweeten the precious promises,
 to make Heaven more desirable. 

And this He effects--by sanctifying the trials, the losses, the disappointments, and the troubles we meet with along the narrow way. 

Beloved, is yours . . .
 a rough way,
 a trying path,
 a perplexing road? 

It is the RIGHT way! “

Why is it the RIGHT way? Because it is the very way God has perfectly planned to sanctify us and make us more like Jesus. It is the very way that prepares us for our heavenly home. It is the very way that He will receive the most glory. It is the very way that will force us to our knees in prayer. It is the very way that will continually remind us of our NEED for grace and our dependence on Him. It is the very way that will benefit our souls. It is the very way that will teach us hope. It is the very way that will grow our faith. It is THE WAY!

Let this refresh your hearts and minds, let it remind you of your call, your purpose and His plan. Let this change the attitude of your hearts when you face difficulty and let this bring hope and joy to your souls knowing that the very way you are walking is the way in which He has planned. Rest in that beloved, and be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10), and He will sustain you.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Equipped for Such a Time as This

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” -Esther 4:14

This week marked yet another new season in my life...student teaching. For the past year, well more like for the past 14, I have been preparing for this experience and now it's the real deal, I'm in the trenches. As I started my week off God graciously reminded me of two precious Truths thanks to His Word:

1) We are called where He leads "for such a time as this"
2) He equips with His grace and strength where He calls

The Lord reminded me of these realities as I read the story of Esther this week. I saw a woman who was fearlessly obedient, wise in her words and her timing, and ultimately faithful to the call which God had placed on her life. The story is the same for each believer, each child of God. In His perfect providence He has called and placed us in situations and circumstances by His grace for His purposes and glory (not to mention our good-Christ likeness).

As I thought about this I was humbled and greatly encouraged. Although I didn't know what to expect, and still don't, I could be confident in knowing that He had called me to teach and placed me here in this place, student teaching (not to mention on top of everything else) for such a time as this. He has a plan to use me as a tool to represent Him, to be courageous and bold in all I say and do, and I can be sure that He will strengthen and equip me...each moment of each day.

Thinking this way changes everything. Reminding myself each day that I am EXACTLY where He wants me and that He is USING me daily for a SPECIFIC purpose shifts the focus off of myself onto what really matters. Every conversation becomes an opportunity, every menial task becomes an act of service and every prayer lifted up becomes specific, directed and purposeful. My prayer is that I would be faithful to this call, faithful to be used, and continually see that I have been placed here and given the strength and grace, for such a time as this!