Wednesday, November 30, 2011


When I spend time studying the Word of God, I tend to be drawn to passages in Scripture that are very practical; whether that be exhortations from the epistles, or commands from the Lord Jesus Himself-I like application, application pertaining to how to live a holy life (what to do). And, although application to my pursuit of holiness is a necessary and fruitful aspect of studying the Word of God, I often times neglect some pieces of Scripture that remind me of Gospel Truths. I forget to spend time meditating on the cross and the power of the Gospel and all that it means for me, a child of God. My work towards holiness sometimes becomes more of habit or have to rather than of love and get to. The Gospel, for the believer, is the precious Truth that must be meditated upon continually, lest we forget.

Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorite verses in all of Scripture- "BE STILL/CEASE STRIVING, and KNOW that I AM GOD!" This powerful sentence has ministered to me in the deepest of valleys and on the highest mountain peaks during my walk with the Lord. I have found a common theme in my life, no matter where I am...HE IS GOD, YOU ARE HIS, REST IN THAT. There is power in that reality. Knowing that the favor and love of God I experience was eternally mine through the work of Christ is incredible. Nothing I do, or don't do is going to increase or decrease the love I receive. The work He did on the cross, accomplished it all, it is finished. He chose me from before the foundation of time, He called me as I walked this life, and He will never let me go!

As I started thinking about this and spent time reflecting on the cross, I remembered a message I heard from C.J. Mahaney from the small book of Jude. In it he read the following:

"Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James,

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by[a] Jesus Christ:

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."
(Jude 1-2, 24-25)

His message? You WERE called, you ARE loved, and you WILL FOREVER BE kept by Christ. Reading this passage in Scripture brings so much joy and peace to my heart. HE called me, because HE loves me (not because of some amazing person I was or would be), because He saw me through Christ and the cross. And it is HIM, and HIM ALONE who will keep me from falling, from stumbling...He alone will be the one who will bring me before the Father, Christ alone, and present me as blameless, BECAUSE OF HIS WORK ON CALVARY. So what then? Jude's response is right on- TO GOD OUR SAVIOR BE ALL GLORY AND MAJESTY AND POWER FOREVER!!!

We often tend to gauge our favor with God based on how holy we are or how obedient we are being. But are we obeying Him because we want Him to love us more, because we have to, or because that's what a Christian does?? OR are we obeying Him because we love Him? Because we are simply responding to the Gospel, to the cross?

I guarantee if we spent 5 minutes every morning reflecting on the work of Christ on the cross, excavating the depths of Truth in the Scriptures pertaining to this, our days would look very different. When you are aware of the Gospel, you walk differently, you talk differently, you love differently. When you are aware of the cross, you are humbled and amazed and can't help but respond with adoration, glory and honor to the King.

So I challenge you, as I have myself, to spend time each morning reflecting first on the cross before you get into your day, or even before you get into other parts of Scripture pertaining to life; ask the Lord to make you more aware of the Gospel, the power it truly has, and what it has done for you. Dig deep into the Truth of the ultimate love story on Calvary and ask the Lord to help you to see more clearly. The reality of the Gospel is something that should never become old and should continually spur praise and thanks, it should be continually in focus as we live our lives for Him!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanks Giving

Although every day should be a day of "thanksgiving", this time of year seems to draw up more gratitude then any other time. Giving thanks seems to be the message from every corner of society for a short week in November. The lists people compile always seem to include similar things, things we daily take for granted, and yet for a moment, stop, and recognize the reality of the blessings they really are. If we honestly took ten minutes to reflect on our own life and compile a list of blessings, we'd find that ten minutes wasn't enough time, the list could go on and on and on.

But then Thanksgiving ends and Christmas and then the new year rolls around and the attitude of gratitude fades from society almost immediately, and unfortunately, even amongst Christians. We find new reasons to complain and daily disappointments and frustrations seem to fill our lives once more. What a terrible truth this is. What a terrible witness to the world we become.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that thanksgiving seems to fade from the Christian as it does from the world, but rather the reality of that thanks is often forgot. Think about it this way for a moment...the house you gave thanks for is now a source of complaint because of the constant fixings it needs; or maybe the job you gave thanks for becomes a source of discontentment when you don't receive the raise you had so hoped for; or the thanks for a healthy body seems to be forgotten when the sniffles come around. How often we forget, and how often we neglect to realize HOW MUCH we should be giving thanks. As believers, it should continually be on our lips.

I too have fallen prey to forgetting and have found myself yet again this season reminding myself of the need for continual thanksgiving in my life, every moment of every day. As I sat and thought about the list I could compile I realized that what made my #1 spot was something that despite the lack of anything else in this world would and should fuel thanksgiving in my heart for eternity...the GOSPEL. And because I have heard it so many times, I admit, I often neglect remembering the realities and beauty of it, so I began to preach it once again to myself...

The reality that In the beginning GOD...created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) is mind boggling. And then God, the Maker of the universe, the always existent One, created man in his image. And when man, under the sovereign plan and will of God, chose to disobey, to sin, to pridefully believe he knew better than the perfect God, God wasn't surprised. In fact, He had a beautiful story that had just begun to unfold. Through the sin of one man, all were now born into, you, every individual who has ever crossed the face of this earth. Although a moralistic society can curb some of the wickedness of man, all are depraved, and as Romans 3 says, "There is NONE who do good, no not one". And the Bible goes on to teach us that because of this reality of sin, all are headed for eternal destruction, all deserving hell. A holy God must punish sin, and no matter what the sin, how small or how great, one sin makes you entirely imperfect, and demands punishment.

Yet this holy, majestic, all powerful, God of the universe who could NEVER be in a relationship with any individual who was imperfect exhibited the most PERFECT LOVE we will never comprehend. In His grace, in His mercy, in His love, He made a way for the relationship between himself and man that had been marred by the reality of sin, to be made new, to be made right. It wasn't through the "good" he saw in certain individuals, or the good works that they did for him. It wasn't through the religious rituals that certain people performed. It wasn't through anything that any person could ever do...nobody could EVER merit the favor of God!

Instead, in His perfectly divine love, He did the unthinkable...what you and I would never do, He gave up the most precious thing to Himself...His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. His love went a distance we can't even fathom. Jesus Christ, came down in human form, humbling himself in ways we can't even comprehend, and lived a perfect life we could never live; never once sinning. And then, He faithfully submitted himself to the will of the Father and was nailed to a cross of wood. The physical pain was brutal, unfathomable, gut wrenching awful; but that wasn't even close to the emotional and spiritual turmoil He endured. For a brief time, which must have felt like an eternity, He was cast out of His Father's presence as he bore the WRATH of the Almighty God FOR ME...for you. HIS FATHER CRUSHED HIM ( "Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, " -Isaiah 53:10). For every sin I ever would commit, He paid the price, undeserving of it all, in fact He deserved only glory. And during that time, He thought of me, even though I wasn't born yet (2000 years ago). He had planned to call me to be His, not because I was some amazing person, in fact I was the exact opposite, a vile and wretched sinner. He had planned to call me simply because He chose to love me, and to glorify Himself through His redemption of me. As Hosea 13:14 says, I will ransom them and redeem them from the grave! WOW...

And then in His glory He conquered sin and death once and for all and rose victoriously from the grave! And it was finished, redemption for the souls of His children had been accomplished. What an incredible Truth! 1 Corinthians 15:57 says, "But thanks be to God, which give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.".

And He caused me to believe, to repent, and to put my faith and trust solely in Him. For that I am eternally grateful. For the Gospel, for the cross, for my Jesus...this is EVERYTHING to me. Oh how grateful I am. Oh how often I neglect to remember the weight of it all.

As believers, our lives must be marked with thanksgiving 365 days a year, not just during Thanksgiving, and that thanks must always start with the Gospel. When you stop and remember, and marvel once again at what the Lord Jesus did for you, how can you not give thanks!!

"For by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9

"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the one he loves." -Ephesians 1:4-6

"...because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." -Hebrews 10:14

"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed. " -Isaiah 53:5

"For if, by the trespass of the one man (Adam), death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ." -Romans 5:17

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I'm humbled. I'm amazed. I'm strengthened. I'm dependent. I'm encouraged. I'm hopeful. The excitement inside of me is overwhelming at times. The fact that the Almighty chooses to use me is dumbfounding. I am nothing apart from Him, and yet it is HIM who lives in me and enables me to do and be what I could never be on my own. It is in the littlest of victories that I find myself reminded of how powerfully sovereign our good God is and how providential His workings are.

As believers we have been commissioned with a task that is IMPOSSIBLE. We have been told to "make disciples", a feat no human can achieve. And yet, God commands. It is a challenge, at times a daunting reality, and yet there is promise-promise that God DESIRES to use YOU (if you are His child) as the very tool that brings sinners to repentance and faith. And I'll say it again, I'm humbled.

What amazes me even more about this Truth is that HE provides the platforms, the opportunities, the relationships, the words, the grace and the means for it all. He ordains the opportunities, we simply obey.

If I am honest I have to admit I have failed to take many of those opportunities. There have been many times when the Spirit was tugging on my heart to speak Truth to a lost soul and my pride and fear has kept my mouth silent. I've walked away ashamed. And although God doesn't need me to bring someone to Himself, the disobedience in those acts is unexcused.

But then, there are those times when you have been praying for an opportunity, praying for the soul of an unsaved friend, family member, coworker, employer etc., and God opens the door of opportunity and you take it. The Spirit enables you to speak and seeds are planted. Joy overwhelms you, excitement fills your heart, and the result is peace. Although most of the time those conversations don't end with an automatic conversion, there is rest in knowing that the Word was spoken and God is at work and HE has the power to save! Only time will tell if the seeds take root and grow, but trusting a sovereign God brings such satisfaction in the waiting.

There is joy in knowing the Spirit provided you with the strength to obey the commission and take the opportunity. And continued joy and fervent prayer as you trust the providence of His hand. I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 3: 5-7 which says, "What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." We are simply called to be faithful, to go out and speak, to take the sovereign opportunities, and then to trust and pray knowing God is at work.

Be amazed at the commission you have been given fellow believer, it is nothing to take lightly or for is a gift, a high calling, a true joy to be used as a tool in the Redeemer's hand.

"The Redeemer turns rebels into disciples, fools into humble listeners. He makes cripples walk again. In him we can face life and respond with faith, love, and hope. And as he changes us, he allows us to be a part of what he is doing in the lives of others. As you respond to the Redeemer’s work in your life, you can learn to be an instrument in his hands.” -Paul David Tripp

Monday, November 07, 2011


Every time I read about the children of Israel in the Old Testament, I am so amazed by HOW MUCH they complain and HOW QUICKLY they forget! It is almost unbelievable. It seems like a few days don't pass without something they "need" or something they are frustrated by. My heart goes out to Moses and Aaron, as they attempt to lead a people who are so quick to speak negatively about everything, how frustrating it must have been. And yet, the more I read about this stubborn and forgetful nation, the more and more I see how I so often resemble their behavior in my own life; oh how often do I complain?!

Complaining is such a common part of our culture and our own lives that we as Christians often forget what it truly is. Complaining is not to be overlooked or accepted, but rather must be viewed as God views sin. Every complaint, whether big or small, is an offense to a holy God. It is a selfish belief that you know better, that God has not given you what He knows to be the best for you and what is good for you, but rather that He has messed up in some way. What may have seemed like such a "respectable'' sin, is in reality, revealing the wickedness of our flesh.

Paul, in Philippians 2:14 says, "Do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing."

The word complain in the original language is the word goggysmos which means: a murmmer, muttering, a secret debate, a secret displeasure. Interesting that the Old Testament describes the complaints of the nation of Israel as "murmers or muttering", it simply was a constant complaining.

The believer must ask himself/ I complain? I would venture to say that the answer from 99.9% of you would be yes, and for the majority of you it would be a daily struggle. We complain about the weather, about waking up, about traffic, about the spilled coffee, about the service we received at the store...and the list goes on. Complaints become a normalcy in our speech, in our attitude, and in our heart. This is unfortunate, and I beg you to examine your heart, examine your thoughts, examine your behavior, and measure it to the command of the Lord; do you do EVERYTHING without complaining? If you have answered no, then you are not alone, I stand beside you and admit my weakness in this area, as shaming as it is. But there is great hope in the Gospel of Jesus and the power of the Spirit living within.

So what are we to do to battle the sin of complaining?

As with all sin, we need to recognize it. If we don't call sin sin, we will fail to notice it more and more in our daily lives and begin living in consistent disobedience to the Lord. We must pray for a sensitivity to the sin in our lives and call it what it is. Once we recognize it, we can then repent of it. God calls us to repent, to turn away from, the sin that so easily entangles us. We must pray and fight to notice complaining in our lives and repent of it when it happens.

A great way to guard against the constant complaining is to remember the faithfulness of God in our own lives and in the lives of those in the past (like that of the nation of Israel). The more we remember His goodness, His providence, His faithfulness, ultimately His character, the less likely we will be to complain.

Gratitude should be a mindset for the believer. We have SO much to be thankful for and yet we instead take things for granted. We need to turn our complaining into thanksgiving. Instead of recognizing the cup as "half empty", let us see it as "half full". A heart full of gratitude leaves little room, if any, for complaining.

With that said, may our hearts be full of joy and thanks continually, through the power of the Spirit living within us. Let our light shine before men through the way we speak and behave. In a world full of constant complaints, may we be one who gives constant thanks!