Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Trustworthy Saying from the Apostle Paul

I'll be the first to admit that my perspective is often warped by the culture, by those around me, and mostly by my own flesh. The sinful tendencies that still linger within my fleshly body cause me to exalt my own character and justify my unholy behavior. The fact that I have been walking with the Lord for some time is an excuse I use to arrogantly puff myself up and compare myself to those around me, when I find myself "better" than others I can become content with where I am in my own spiritual growth. On the flip side I can recall many times I have wallowed in self-pity and despair as I examine my own sinfulness and find myself unworthy of the grace of God. Somewhere along my thought process I have changed God's free gift into something I must merit or earn. I wonder how he might still love and want a sinner like me. And yet that is far from what Scripture teaches. Paul seems to be one of the greatest examples of how to deal with both of these tendencies for the Christian. He provides both a reality check and hopeful encouragement through His teachings.

In 1 Timothy 1:15-17 we read, "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen."

Paul is teaching Timothy something that he has been taught through the Spirit's sanctification: REALITY! What I mean is that Paul sees himself in light of what Scripture teaches and sees God in TRUTH. He recognizes that he IS the WORST of all sinners, that left in that sin he deserves nothing but an eternity in hell and that he is in desperate need, DAILY, of the mercy and grace of God. Do I see myself like this? Do I recognize that I AM the chief sinner? Do I compare myself to the only standard there is, perfect holiness? Do I KNOW who the Almighty really is...perfectly holy and righteously just? Is my perspective accurate or have I made God into my own image? Have I decided to think I in some way am deserving of the grace I deserve? Paul's reality check is a good one for us to continually assess ourselves with. I know I myself need to constantly check my heart, my perspective, my reality and remind myself of Truth in this Truth.

Paul continues to teach Timothy another Truth in this passage as He encourages him to rest in the completed work of Christ for forgiveness of sin and salvation. Paul reminds Timothy, and himself, of God's patience, love, grace and mercy that is displayed through the cross. He encourages with the precious Truth of eternal life. That it is not by anything of oneself, NOTHING, that one receives the GIFT of salvation, but rather through the perfect love of a Savior. This should provide comfort and security for the believer. When we sin, we run to the cross. When we fail, we cling to the promise in Jude that HE is the one keeping us. When we are discouraged, we hope in HIM. When we are relying on ourselves we remind ourselves that He has lifted the burden, the yoke we are trying to bear and given us rest. May we hope soley in the perfect work of our precious Savior and be thankful.

And what is our response to all of this, whether we find ourselves being humbled in our arrogance or encouraged in our hopelessness??? GLORYING IN CHRIST! Paul finishes his exhortation here with teaching the RIGHT response to our reality check, and that is glorying in the everlasting, perfect God! May our hearts continually praise Him for WHO HE IS, for WHAT HE HAS FREED US FROM, and for WHAT HE HAS IN STORE FOR THE ETERNAL KINGDOM!

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