"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." -- 2 Peter 1:3
Take a look at that verse...do you believe that? Your natural reaction might be to respond "yes, of course", but does the reality of your life reflect that admission? Do you TRULY believe that in Him, in His resources (His Word, the Spirit), you have EVERYTHING you NEED for BOTH life and godliness?
Saying yes to that, and really living as if it were true, would reflect a radical lifestyle, a life that was driven by Truth, and that relied on that Truth for EVERYTHING. In our world and culture, Christians have fallen prey to incorporating man's wisdom into how they live on a daily basis; especially when it comes to "life" necessities. What I mean by that is when life gets hard, and there isn't a clear answer in Scripture, or something "practical" enough, many Christians run to the world, (psychology, philosophy, opinion) to find an answer. But is that what the Lord has called us to do as believers? Who are we supposed to run to? What are we supposed to run to? Where do we find our answers for LIFE and godliness? I think many would admit that when it comes to spiritual things we know the Bible is full of wisdom but what about when it comes to life issues? Many would say that the Bible just isn't specific enough.
When you take a look at Peter's exhortation and encouragement in the verse above, you find rich encouragement, and hope, for walking a life worthy of the life you've been called to. His divine power...what power is that? That power is divine, Godly, coming from Him, and perfectly able to strengthen, as power gives us might. And this power, the power that the believer gains through the work of regeneration, has granted, meaning bestowed or given, (without any earning) to YOU, (the believer) everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, that you (the believer), "NEED" (that is necessary or advantageous for or pertaining to) for LIFE "AND" GODLINESS. Therefore you have ALL you need, for this life and the next, you've been given it all, you need not look anywhere else. He will never give you anything that He won't equip you to go through. He will never walk you through anything He won't use for your good and His glory. And He won't ever leave you without the resources and ability to live the life you have been called to. His Word is your life manual.
And why or how does this happen? THROUGH (on account of) the knowledge (recognition of) the ONE who called (purposed, planned, ordained, summoned) YOU (the believer) by His own goodness (his perfect love). This Truth blows my mind! Think about that for a second. You have the strength and power to live the life he has called you to live here and eternally because its not you living it, it is Him living it through you. He has given you TRUE life and has equipped you to live a life worthy of that calling, no matter what comes your way. And He has given you everything you need, you need not look to man's wisdom, to psychology, to the ways of the world, to opinions that are extra-biblical for any answers...He has given you EVERYTHING. Now the question is do you REALLY believe that? And if you say you do, does your life reflect that?
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
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