Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Trusting a SPECIFIC and Faithful God

God seems to always test us in our faith and our willingness to trust Him. Like I said in my last post, trusting God has been the theme of my life and it seems to only continue on...I guess for the Christian that is the theme of their life because being a disciple of the King means you are willing to go anywhere, at anytime, and do anything for Him and that takes trust! What I always find somewhat humorous though, is that whenever I get to a place of where I thought I had finally overcome this issue with trust in my life, like I had arrived or something (haha yeah right), or I finally figured out what God was doing, God will throw something in the mix almost as He is saying, "Do you really trust me Vanessa? Prove it!". Although everytime it seems to get easier and my responses seem to change and reflect more of a willing heart, there still is the need to focus on TRUTH and what I know of who God is.

With that said, I recently have been reading through the Old Testament and my view of God has only increased. I don't think I can even begin to grasp the majesty of our God and King and the measure of His holiness, His sovereignty, and His love for us, yet it doesn't stop me from trying. As I read the stories in the Old Testament like that of Joseph and Noah or of the Exodus or even of the ceremonial Laws, there is something that has consistently been popping out at me...specifics; our God is a very SPECIFIC God. In other words, He has everything in control and under control and He knows exactly what He is doing and exactly how He wants things done and nothing and nobody can change that. NOTHING! And that same God that raised Joseph up that His glory might be shown, and the same God who spared Noah from the destruction of the earth, and that same God who parted the red Sea and delivered the Israelites, is the same God who is working in YOU and me! It is the same God that is guiding you and leading you and that God has SPECIFIC things that He has planned for you! I love knowing that God is the sovereign author of all and that I have nothing to fear or worry about! I love knowing that as I seek Him FIRST and trust in His providence that He will lead me and guide my footsteps where I will be used for His glory. Oh the joy of knowing that our good and gracious Father has saved us for a purpose and a specific plan. Ephesians 2:10 has been everpresent on my heart for the past few months, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them". Just like salvation, a believer's good works are ordained before time began! Think about that for a moment. That just blows my mind. If the fact that my salvation was ordained before the earth was even created doesn't boggle my mind enough, He throws in the truth that even the SPECIFICs of my life were ordained beforehand...wow!

So what are some SPECIFIC ways that I can THINK TRUTH (as I like to say) when I need to trust God (which is everyday as we are always fully dependent)?

Remember His Past Faithfulness PAST-

If you have ever read the OT you will notice that the nation of Israel seemed to forget the goodness and faithfulness of God quite often! In fact we might even look at their infamous sin cylce and wonder how on earth and why on earth they would do something like that. In fact God even would have them make tangible reminders to remember. So whenever I am back in a place of having to trust the Lord, which for each of us is everyday whether we realize it or not (we are fully dependent), I always will try and think back on His faithfulness throughout all of history. Search the OT for the word remember and you find it everywhere! We need to look to the faithfulness of God throughout the past, Old and New testaments and SEE it and believe it!

And then there is the faithfulness that He has proven throughout YOUR life! Look back on from where He saved you from, look back and see how He has worked things together for His glory and your good (romans 8:28). Think back and remember!

Remember His Faithfulness PRESENT-

Do you realize that if God wanted to, He at this very moment could destroy the earth? Do you understand that the only reason He hasn't done that is because of His love and that is manifested in patience for sinners to repent? God is faithful right now, today in the present whether you see it in your life or not. He is working through the nations, through the government, through the evil...through it all to accomplish His plan. Look around and you will begin to see His faithfulness. The fact that He promised to provide for you? Check. The fact that He promised to never leave you or forsake you? Check. The fact that He promised to give you peace unexplainable? Check. The fact that He promised to allow you to not be tempted past what you can bare? Check. And I could go on. We need to think truth by looking around and seeing His faithfulness all around us TODAY!

Remember His Faithfulness FUTURE-

Oh how exciting this truly is! To read throughout Scripture the Truth of what is to come and to look forward to it with hopeful expectancy! We must realize that our best day here is nothing compared to the glories of what is to come and that our worst day here is the worst it will ever get. His faithfulness transcends understanding and we will get to grasp the full measure of it one day in heaven when we meet Him face to face. Just thinking about His second-coming and all that will take place should motivate us to trust!

May we always remember that our God is a SPECIFIC God who has it all under control and in that may we trust Him wholly by thinking truth daily!

"For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope'. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to Me, and I wil listen to you. You will seek me and find Me when you search for Me with all of your heart'". -Jeremiah 29:11-13


Anonymous said...

very well put! "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself." II Timothy 1:2

"Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator" 1 Peter 4:19

His character IS faithfulness! It's like putting everything you own into a bank that can't be broken into.

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