Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Handiwork of God

I couldn't help but write this morning as I am sitting on a patio in Kauai looking out at the most beautiful mountain range and a perfect sky...all I keep thinking is WOW! The more I see of God's creation, the more "wowed" I become...not at the creation but rather at the Creator. Recently I attended the Resolved conference and heard a message that talked about how believers have spiritual eyes so to speak and minds etc. and in that we see thing differently than the unredeemed, especially creation. When I wake up in the morning to a perfect sunrise over the ocean here, I see the glory of God; when I hike to the top of a mountain and see a canyon below filled with flowing rivers and waterfalls, I see the handiwork of God; when I look out to the endless ocean and see the waves crash on the sand, I see our God...a nonbeliever merely sees a sunset, a mountain, a valley, and an ocean. I am reminded of Romans 1:21 in which we read, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." How true is that?! In Romans 1, Paul is condemning the unredeemed by showing their utter need for a Savior and their wicked fallen nature; in the end of chapter one he goes on into an explanation of God's wrath to come and the looming reality that all will face judgment one day. What is interesting to me is that the evidence of God's righteousness is first mentioned within and then in creation, Paul explains that just looking around at the handiwork of God is going to make it quite clear that there is a God and an active, all-powerful one at that!

I remember being little and hiking, which my family did quite often, and always wondering how anybody could look at creation and not believe there was a God...although at that point I wasn't saved, I still couldn't deny the Truth. Yet the wicked hardening of sin has made it so that many are blind to the reality of their creator; they have become a people who worships the creation rather then the one who has the voice who spoke it into being, what a tragedy. Romans 8:19 goes on to say that, "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed." Do you realize that everything in the universe that has been created is longing for the transformation that we as believers eagerly expect?! The corruption of sin not only tainted us, but all of creation as well.

When I think of Christ's glorious return and the final victory and the bondage of sin being removed from the earth I can't help but get excited...a world with no corruption, a world with no sorrow, a world most importantly where God's glory is shown and worshipped how it should be! My prayer is that I will always be humbled by creation, by the reality of who I was in relation to who He is and the praise Him for the Truth that I am now His forever and always!

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