Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why Do We Forget???

I just recently started reading Revival by Martyn Lloyd-Jones and have been immensely encouraged and convicted by the truths proclaimed in this book. Jones begins talking about the fact that Christians today are not convinced of the REALTY of a revival...they don't think it can happen and therefore don't expect it or pray for it. They have forgotten of the Revivals that have happened in the past.

Looking back through Biblical history we see the evidences of God's faithfulness time and time again. Throughout the years that God dealt with the nation of Israel they went through cycles that showed God's goodness and grace. It is interesting to find that often times God would have the children set up a tangible reminder (like the stones near the Jordan in the book of Joshua) so that they wouldn't forget what God had done for them! "God gave the commandment because He knows human nature so well, and what he knows about us is that it is simply astonishing to notice how easily we can forget" (94). If we are completely honest with ourselves we can humbly admit that we too forget...all the time. We forget "even the greatest and most wonderful things" (95).

Why do we forget? SIN! "One of the most devastating effects of sin is the way in which it puts paralysis upon the mind and even upon the memory" (95). But really what in sin is it that causes this forgetfulness?

1. Absorption with ourselves- We are obsessed with ourselves, our age, our generation, and our activities. We are self-centered and so consumed with what "we" are doing. "People's lives are bound entirely by their own circle, and how infrequently do they look out from inside it" (95).

2.The past can't help us- We live in a new day and age, things are different, what can the past teach us...these are all common excuses even in the Christian community.

3. Subjectivism of Ours- This filters into our studying of the Bible even. "We are all so morbidly concerned with ourselves and our own problems that we even go to the Bible as a book which is going to help us with our problems. Our very approach to the Bible is so subjective instead of being objective. But, the Bible is not just a book that answers my little questions and tells me various things that I may want to know; the Bible is the record of the activity of God, the manifestations of God, God's might acts and deeds" (96).

The principle of forgetting can be found throughout the entirety of Scripture. "We are so dull and so stupid as the result of sin, that we might even forget this, the death of the Son of God for us and his agony and his shame and all that he endured on the cross. And His eternal love for us, we could even forget that" (96-97).

If we know we forget we must somehow discipline ourselves to remember. But how? Being in the Word consistently and reading the truths of what God has done throughout history will refresh our memories and command worship and praise. Reflecting on our precious gift of salvation daily will jog our minds to bring Him the glory. We must not forget what the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE has done for us, what He has done in the past and we must look forward with expectation and anticipation of what is yet to come!!


Anonymous said...

Lately, I too have been convicted of not remembering all the amazing things God has done in my life, in other's lives, and history in general! It is amazing-and scary- how easily we forget such miracles! Not to add to the problem of man's self-absorption, but one thing I thought of that might be cool as an application is to take a few hours of solitude and review you life from the earliest you can remember until now. As you remember different stages, situations, answered prayers, etc. write them down. This may take a while, but I can assure you it is well worth the time! Once you have this piece of paper with all the things God has done for you (all the one's you can remember anyway), keep it close by to serve as a reminder, an "Ebeneezer" as they called it, so that you can look upon it and let it bring you to a place of thankfulness and praise to God!!! And don't be afraid to share it with friends...I think we forget that we can praise God for the works He has done in other's lives, too! I am convinced God is delighted by those who make the effort to remember what He has done in history and praise Him for it!!!

Brittany Stewart said...

Great blog Vanessa! This was a great summary of Lloyd-Jones' chapter 8! I'd highly recommend the book to anyone who is interested!