Currently I am reading the acclaimed book The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. It is both convicting and encouraging as Bridges attempts to motivate believers to live a life set apart for Christ. When I opened up to the third chapter and read the title I was excited to see what was in store as I am so passionate about the fact that someone cannot claim to follow Christ and look like the world...they must be holy!
Hebrews 12:14 says, "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord."
Jerry opens with this line, "Just what do these words, "without holiness no one will see the Lord" actually mean? Christians cannot earn their salvation. They cannot somehow live some type of life that would enable them to gain their entrance into eternal life with God. In fact our own works that we would consider honorable and right are called "filthy rags" in Scripture. Throughout Scripture we read about how Christ's perfect life of obedience and righteousness is viewed in lieu of the believer's marred sinful nature in God's eyes. Christ lived a perfect life and for those who trust in Him they too are viewed as having lived a perfect life.
(Side bar...think about that for a second. We are viewed, well those of us who have genuinely repented and put our faith in Christ, as perfect like Christ is perfect in the eyes of a Holy God. The magnitude of that should make us want to fall to our knees and worship and glory our King forever! Neverending thanks and praise are due His name.)
Now although all just said is very true the holiness talked about in the passage in Hebrews above is not referring to that holiness found in Christ. Scripture talks about that holiness but also talks about the holiness we are to pursue and strive hard after. "We are through Christ made holy in our standing in God and called to be holy in our daily lives before God!" Do you have a desire to live a holy life pleasing to God? If not there needs to be some serious questions asked. Since we have been saved God has saved us from the dominion of sin and the ability to seek after holiness is opened up. That desire should be a ever burning flame that never burns out.
" The whole purpose of our salvation is that we be holy and blameless in His sight. To continue to live in sin as a Christian is to go contrary to God's very purpose for our salvation." As one trusts in Christ for salvation the Holy Spirit enters and enables and kindles a desire for holiness in the believer's heart. "God's nature demands holiness...". God doesn't desire us to be perfect but He does desire us to strive towards holiness in our daily lives.
Holiness is necessary for the following things:
-Fellowship with God- Psalm 15:1 "When we are holding onto some sin we are not pursuing holiness and we cannot have fellowship with God."
-Our Well-Being- Hebrews 12:6 Have you ever experienced discipline from the hand of God? We all have. God disciplines those whom He loves. Yet if we would heed the wisdom He offers and live lives consistent with His character...or strive to do that we wouldn't experience the discipline as often...we wouldn't need to.
-Effective Service to God- 2 Timothy 2:21 "Holiness and usefulness are linked. We can't bring our service to God in an unclean vessel."
-Assurance of Salvation- 2 Corinthians 5:17 "True faith will always show itself by its fruits.
"The only safe evidence that we are in Christ is a holy life." We must remember Matthew 7:21-23, not all who claim to know the Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven. Holiness is not an option it is the life of the Christian!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
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1 comment:
Well written Vanessa. So true we should be seeking a holy life and we should want to please the Lord in all we do.
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