Currently I am reading through the book of Proverbs with the high school ministry at Compass. Something that has seemed to prevail and many would even call it the theme of the book is "wisdom". Not necessarily intellectual wisdom but rather Godly wisdom which comes from the Word and Godly counsel. As I have been reading the book I have consistently been reminded of the fact that as I seek the Lord for wisdom He is going to direct my footsteps and that that direction might be a little or a lot different then I had "planned" in my own heart or mind.
This past weekend we had a guest speaker at church who made a comment that I could relate so well to, he said "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans". Isn't that the truth?! I think that God laughs at me all the time. I have the type of personality where I like to plan plan and plan some more, I like to keep my bases covered etc. But from the moment I was saved it was almost as if God took a giant eraser and erased "my" plans and began directing me in the way He wanted me to go. If you would have asked me three years ago when I graduated high school where I would be in four years after graduating college and almost everything would have been different. But what has proved to be true time and time again is that God's faithfulness in directing me towards His purpose and end has been such a blessing and so much better then I could have planned for myself.
Two verses in Proverbs really stick out to me in regards to this idea:
Proverbs 16:9 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”
Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails."
This is the truth! God has a purpose and a plan for His glory and future kingdom and He will fulfill that purpose and plan. We cannot thwart anything about it. In fact he uses even the things in our life to fulfill that plan. God has a purpose and plan for our life as well and that is to bring glory to Himself and to further His kingdom. He is going to use us in whatever ways He wants. What a privilege to be used by the King. We need to be willing to go anywhere, do anything, at anytime for Him. We need to be flexible with whatever it is that God plans for us. We don't see the whole picture, in fact we only see the next step but God sees the beginning and the end and every step in between and we can trust that His plan is much better than our own.
All of this said I have been recently reminded of how important it is to first and foremost seek Him and His kingdom and although I may have "plans" or ideas of what it is that I will do with the remainder of my life, I must in humility be willing to change those to plan B, C, D, or even E in a moment as the Lord leads and have hope that the Lord will fulfill all His purposes and His ultimate plan.
Friday, June 27, 2008
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I read a chapter of Proverbs everyday. 31 chapters in 31 days. And then start over each month.
I'm glad to see you're reading this amazing book of the Bible!
This blog is just an incredible reminder for me that God is in control and I'm not; I just need to trust in His plans.
I recently was cleaning out my drawer to pack it when a life planning file fell out. I wrote it a year and a half ago in a health class predicting what my life would look like in 5, 10 and 20 years. Already, so much has changed from God leading me in a new direction.
I just wanted to thank you for writing this blog, it really helps me put things into perspective and accept that God's plans are always the best.
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