Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Reflection and Looking Ahead

"And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." -Colossians 1:17

2011 has been a year where my cup has overflowed. God has blessed me beyond comprehension with some wonderful gifts, and the most precious gift I could have ever received aside from my salvation, my incredible husband, made just for me. And the way in which He answered prayers, like that for a husband, were above and beyond all that I could have imagined or hoped for (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Throughout this year God has not only blessed me abundantly, but has, in His love, sanctified me in a variety of ways. I have seen His hand reveal areas of weakness in my life, and have felt the Spirit's strengthening power to run this race harder. This year my prayer was two-fold with regard to my own sanctification; that I might know Him better and that I might comprehend the weight of the Gospel more. I am an eternity from the total fruition of these prayers being answered, but can truly say that He has allowed me to see Jesus as more glorious and great this year, and He has made the Gospel more real in my life. For that, I am so thankful.

As I look back on this year, I am humbled and in awe of God's faithfulness. I wonder why I ever distrust such a perfectly sovereign and good God. Despite the suffering, trials, and daily battles I have faced, I have realized more than ever the goodness of the Great God we serve! His immutable faithfulness is dumbfounding, characteristics that I never grow weary of praising Him for.

I believe as Christians it is a good thing to look back over the year, whether full of blessing or trial, and stand in awe of our great God. When you begin to examine the days of the year, you can't help but find yourself thanking Him for His constant love, steadfast protection and provision, and grace in your life. You see more clearly His sustaining power in all things in your life. And recognize that it is by His grace you were given another year.

And as we reflect and bring Him glory, we prayerfully anticipate the next year, 2012. There are countless unknowns and the great possibility that we may see Him face to face this year! There is a vital need to pray, to entreat the mighty God, and expectantly hope in this year, knowing that whatever His will is for it will be good, perfect!

I am beyond excited for 2012, despite the unknowns, because I have a great Father in heaven who holds all things in His hands! It is another year to know HIm more, to bring Him more glory, and to enjoy the good gifts (like my sweet husband), that He has blessed me with!

Thank you Jesus for 2011, I trust you with 2012!

1 comment:

Bethany Gonzales said...

Beautiful Vanessa. :) Very encouraging.