Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Job's Example

"This is the essence of God’s sovereignty; His absolute independence to do as He pleases and His absolute control over the actions of all His creatures. No creature, person, or empire can either thwart His will or act outside the bounds of His will."

There is something so comforting knowing that God IS sovereign. It seems as if this attribute is one I remind myself of almost daily. In moments of confusion, in moments of despair, in moments of pain, and in moments of sheer happiness, I am reminded of the precious Truth that THE LORD IS SOVEREIGN. I rejoice in this Truth because I know that NO MATTER WHAT, there is NOTHING, and NOBODY, that can thwart His plan. That is an incredible thought. To know that no act of Satan, no sin of man, no groan of creation, NOTHING, happens apart from the sovereign hand, design, and will of our good God.

The story of Job is such a perfect reminder for this very reality. Having the Word of God gives us the privilege of hearing the conversation between God and Satan and seeing the role of God's sovereign hand in the trials that befall this righteous man. We look and marvel at the story, we know the beginning and the end, but Job only knew the moments as they played. I often wonder what Job must have been thinking while God watched and smiled at his faith and Satan was frustrated over and over again. Here is a man who had it all, spiritually and physically speaking. He seemed to be living a life abundantly blessed, and for the glory of God alone; and then in a matter of moments, everything was taken from him, every earthly possession that is. Yes his faith was tested, yes despair set in, but his trust in a sovereign God kept Him clinging to the faith He held so dear. We hear this in Job 42:2 “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. " Through it all Job held on KNOWING His God was sovereignly in control of every detail of every circumstance, no matter how baffling or confusing it seemed in the moment.

I want to have faith like Job. I want to see God's sovereignty as a Truth that is unshakable. I want to KNOW and trust His perfect plan no matter what comes my way, believing that He is working all things together for my good and His glory (Romans 8:28). If God weren't sovereign, my faith would be empty, my hope destroyed, and the promise of eternity in question...but because HE IS sovereign, my faith is strong, my hope is sure, and the promise of forever with my Jesus is eternally secure. I rejoice in His sovereignty, more than most any other thing about my God, for it is by this Truth that I rest completely in Him.

1 comment:

Dad said...
