Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Equipped for Such a Time as This

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” -Esther 4:14

This week marked yet another new season in my life...student teaching. For the past year, well more like for the past 14, I have been preparing for this experience and now it's the real deal, I'm in the trenches. As I started my week off God graciously reminded me of two precious Truths thanks to His Word:

1) We are called where He leads "for such a time as this"
2) He equips with His grace and strength where He calls

The Lord reminded me of these realities as I read the story of Esther this week. I saw a woman who was fearlessly obedient, wise in her words and her timing, and ultimately faithful to the call which God had placed on her life. The story is the same for each believer, each child of God. In His perfect providence He has called and placed us in situations and circumstances by His grace for His purposes and glory (not to mention our good-Christ likeness).

As I thought about this I was humbled and greatly encouraged. Although I didn't know what to expect, and still don't, I could be confident in knowing that He had called me to teach and placed me here in this place, student teaching (not to mention on top of everything else) for such a time as this. He has a plan to use me as a tool to represent Him, to be courageous and bold in all I say and do, and I can be sure that He will strengthen and equip me...each moment of each day.

Thinking this way changes everything. Reminding myself each day that I am EXACTLY where He wants me and that He is USING me daily for a SPECIFIC purpose shifts the focus off of myself onto what really matters. Every conversation becomes an opportunity, every menial task becomes an act of service and every prayer lifted up becomes specific, directed and purposeful. My prayer is that I would be faithful to this call, faithful to be used, and continually see that I have been placed here and given the strength and grace, for such a time as this!

1 comment:

unfadingHope said...

"Thinking this way changes everything." Amen! Thanks again, Vanessa, for being a thoughtful writer and pointing your readers to God Who is far bigger, better, and wiser than us. May He establish the work of your hands. (Psalm 90)

This post specifically was encouraging to me as I, too, am in the midst of student teaching.
