Tuesday, February 08, 2011


I have written before about the wonderful ministry that is Grace Gems (www.gracegems.org) , whose daily devotional I highly recommend you subscribe to. Today’s devotion came at a perfect time for me, a time when I needed refreshment and a reminder that the season I am in is the EXACT season God has PLACED me in and CALLED me to. I know I wrote about a similar topic last week, but I must reiterate the point, because if you are anything like me, you forget often.

God’s plans for us are always PERFECTLY RIGHT, the problem is, they are not always the way WE see as perfect and right. In Psalm 107:7 we read, “He led them forth by the right way—to a city where they could settle!” He was the one who guided them, He was the one who had planned the way, He was the one who had marked their footsteps in advance, and He was the one who would sustain them until the end. It is the same for us. He is the one who has led us forth in the RIGHT way and He will be the one who sustains us until the end, even when we think we can’t go another step.

James Smith said, “. We want . . .
 and honor. 

But the Lord intends that we shall have . . .
 fortitude, and
 confidence in Himself alone. 

His design is . . .
 to empty us, 
 to strip us, 
 to humble us, 
 to force us before His throne of grace;
 to endear the adorable Savior,
 to sweeten the precious promises,
 to make Heaven more desirable. 

And this He effects--by sanctifying the trials, the losses, the disappointments, and the troubles we meet with along the narrow way. 

Beloved, is yours . . .
 a rough way,
 a trying path,
 a perplexing road? 

It is the RIGHT way! “

Why is it the RIGHT way? Because it is the very way God has perfectly planned to sanctify us and make us more like Jesus. It is the very way that prepares us for our heavenly home. It is the very way that He will receive the most glory. It is the very way that will force us to our knees in prayer. It is the very way that will continually remind us of our NEED for grace and our dependence on Him. It is the very way that will benefit our souls. It is the very way that will teach us hope. It is the very way that will grow our faith. It is THE WAY!

Let this refresh your hearts and minds, let it remind you of your call, your purpose and His plan. Let this change the attitude of your hearts when you face difficulty and let this bring hope and joy to your souls knowing that the very way you are walking is the way in which He has planned. Rest in that beloved, and be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10), and He will sustain you.

1 comment:

unfadingHope said...

you're right... we need constant reminders like these, because we all forget far too easily.

wow, that quote by james smith is powerful. going to write it in my journal now to think more about. :) thanks for sharing!

reminds me of the sweet promise found in 1 samuel 2... "He will guard the feet of his faithful servants" in the way He has paved for them.