Friday, April 30, 2010


After exmaining Edwards, my accountability partner and I (my FFE Jas) decided to come up with some of our own, to live lives set-apart for the King. Please pray for our pursuit as we continue the race! May you be encouraged :)

1. Resolved, that all I do is for the glory of God.
2. Resolved, to live each hour as if it were my last.
3. Resolved, to use my mouth for the edifying of others and the glory of God.
4. Resolved, to have a gentle and quiet spirit.
5. Resolved, to treat my body as a temple of the Lord.
6. Resolved, to trace sin back to the heart and pray and fight to have victory over it.
7. Resolved, to remember God’s love.
8. Resolved, to think truth before I speak.
9. Resolved, to examine my days… the good and the bad.
10. Resolved, that in whatever I do, it pleases the Lord… even in the little things.
11. Resolved, to be self-controlled in every aspect of my life.
12. Resolved, to consistently be increasing my time in God’s Word.
13. Resolved, to always rely on prayer and not myself.
14. Resolved, to let the Lord lead my every step.
15. Resolved, to deny myself daily.
16. Resolved, to “hate” all other relationships in comparison to my love for Christ.
17. Resolved, to consider others better than myself.
18. Resolved, to be bold for the name of the Lord.
19. Resolved, to never compromise.
20. Resolved, if I should fall in anything, to repent and get back up and continue running to finish the race.

May 1, 2010
21. Resolved, to follow every prompting of the Holy Spirit, in conviction, opportunity, and sanctification.
22. Resolved, to be a cheerful giver.
23. Resolved, to love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my strength and with all my mind.
24. Resolved, to focus on the eternal instead of the temporal.
25. Resolved, to use my time for God's glory and His kingdom.
26. Resolved, to find my identity in Christ alone.
27. Resolved, to be set apart; in action, in speech, in all that I do.
28. Resolved, to spend myself and be spent for the Kingdom.
29. Resolved, to store up treasures in heaven, not on earth.
30. Resolved, to preach the Gospel to myself daily...always knowing that on my "best" and "worst" days I am never out of reach of His grace.


Andrew said...

Why the quotes around "hate"?

Heather Carlson said...

Awesome! Praying for you!

Dad said...

Great resolutions! Writing them was the easy part.