Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Chewing on the Truth Part 7

My own spiritual journey towards Truth brought me to my knees for years after salvation in a humbling realization that I had never fully grasped the meaty truth of the weight of what God had done for me. What I mean is that for four years I had believed that I had some part in my salvation and the repurcussions of that caused my behavior to be different in other areas. Although my salvation wasn't based off of the full understanding of unconditional election or how the culpability of my sin and the sovereignty of God reconcile, it is a part of our sanctification to grow in the knowledge of TRUTH, and the more we understand it the more we fall in love with our Savior. Piper said, "It is possible to believe all these things in your head and go to hell. So easily deceived and hypocritical are we by nature! Therefore our concern in writing these things is not merely to convince the mind but also to win the heart. We want for others the sweet experience of resting in the massive comfort of these truths. We want others to feel the tremendous incentive for righteousness and for missions flowing from these truths. We want for others the experience of knowing and trusting the sovereign grace of God in such a way that He and He alone gets the glory."

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