Saturday, December 01, 2007


At chapel this Wednesday our RD Meredith spoke to the girls in CDUB about being completely satisfied in the Lord. After listening for about five minutes to what she had to say I realized how often I find satisfaction in other things despite how faithful the Lord truly is.

As humans we deserve eternal condemnation, hell, and separation from the living God for all of eternity, but in God's great favor and mercy He chose to redeem us and pluck us from the pit of eternal damnation that we might glory with Him forever in heaven. What a picture of faithfulness and unconditional love. As a fellow believer I often become numb or callous to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of the countless times I have heard it preached, but how could I not hear that message and rejoice in what He has done!

It is a message of undeserving grace to a totally depraved sinner. Anything good is from Him alone and all else comes from the sinfulness of humanity. Why is it that I so quickly expect the Lord to do so many "good" things for me or expect to have countless "blessings" bestowed on my life? I have the most incredible gift, the only gift I could ever need anything else is just an added blessing, all of which I do NOT deserve. Therefore my satisfaction should be found in Him alone, in the cross of Christ! I should be thankful for the gift of grace and realize that anything good, any blessing (which are countless) comes from Him alone. I have more than I ever deserve or could ever need, I pray that He would be my complete satisfaction and that I wouldn't, in my pride, expect more to make me happy or satisfied, but find Him my all consuming passion!!

"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." -Psalm 90:14

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