Thursday, December 27, 2007

Our Greatest Friend, Our Greatest Enemy...The Battle of Humility Versus Pride (Part 1)

I just finished reading C.J. Mahaney's book Humility: True Greatness and have been challenged and encouraged in so many vital ways. After finishing I was excited to recommend this book to everyone I know who is passionately pursuing the Lord and decided what better way to share what I learned then to write a couple blogs on the general ideas presented in this book.

We live in a culture that rewards the proud, one that applauds our success' daily and a world that desires to label stars, athletes, politicians, and even ordinary people as "great". As Christians we usually live counter-culturally and it is no different in this instance. Christ does not demand pride and what the world labels "self esteem" but rather humility. Take for example Isaiah 66:2 "This is the one who I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word."... A stark contrast to what society would say as honorable. Pride draws the attention of the world but as Mahaney puts, "humility draws the gaze of our Sovereign God". In this passage in Isaiah God is speaking to the Israelites, His chosen nation and people, reminding them that their privilege is not because of their own doing but rather because of God's mercy and choice.

Throughout Scripture God promises to help those that are humble. "He is aware of everything. He's also searching for something in particular, something that acts like a magnet to capture His attention and invite His active involvement. God is decisively drawn to humility. The one who is humble is the one who draws God's attention,and in a sense, drawing His attention means also attracting His grace..." (Mahaney). James 4:6 promises " grace to the humble!" what a promise. We need to stop with the idea of 'pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps' and realize that we need to humble ourselves and fully rely on the God of the universe.

Many try humility on for size. In fact it is almost like a dress up costume you wore when you were a put it on in public for all to see...for example someone says great job on a play and you quickly remind them that 'anybody could have done it'...however on the inside you know you are only wearing a costume as pride billows beneath in your joy of being called "humble". What is humility? Humility as Mahanaey puts it, "is honestly assessing ourselves in light of God's holiness and our sinfluness". Wow what a reality that truly is. Until we honestly look at the reality of these two things we will never be able to see past our pride. Pride destroys individuals, it destroys families, it destroys friendships, business' and churches.

Think back on one of your many prideful moments in life C.J. Mahaney brings forth one of his own...the time his car broke down and he had no idea what to do but to look "manly" he had to look in the engine and try and fix it himself, which of course came with no success. We need help, we are humans. We cannot do everything, in fact we can't do most things well and on our own. Pride was the first sin and for the most part is the root of all sin thereafter. In Isaiah 14 we read that the reason for Satan's rebellion was because he desired to ascend to heaven and be more beautiful and glorious then God. Pride, from God's view, is extremely fact it falls in Proverbs 6's list of the abominations to the Lord. He hates it! Why does God hate it? "Pride is when sinful human beings aspire to the status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependence upon Him". God opposes it, in fact he is "actively opposed to it". Because God opposes it you can be sure that the proud will not escape discipline (His kids) and judgement (for the unbeliever).

God in His mercy warns about pride over and over again throughout Scripture. He explains why it is truly our greatest enemy and commands us to humble ourselves time and time again. It is only by His strength that this is possible. "By unmasking pride--as well as introducing us to humility, our greatest friend--God is laying out for us the path to true greatness, a path that we will see most clearly in our Savior's life and death".

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