As I reflect back on the happenings of the past year (2007) I am constantly reminded of God's grace in countless ways. It is HE who has sustained me, HE who has stretched and challenged me, HE who has graciously provided for me, HE who has refined and continued to mold me, HE who has grown me, HE who has sharpened me, and He who has blessed me far beyond anything I could have planned or imagined. When I think about the things that He has led me in over the past year I am ashamed at my lack of trust and dependence in His sovereign plan and will for my life. It is in these moments that I am humbled before my Maker as I realize the finiteness of my own mind and the pride in my own heart. I so often fail to refocus my mind during moments of distrust on the God who knows no limits, who knows the beginning from the end and who is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.
Thinking back over the past year there have been some painful challenges that I have endured as well as plenty of blessings. I am amazed at how God graciously and divinely appoints experiences within our lives at the point of perfection that we might trust Him more fully and bring more glory to His name. There are countless things that happened this year, but I will talk about three specific things that show the hand of God working in my life. I pray that these things will only draw your hearts and minds back to the Lord and ascribe glory to His HOLY name.
Mexico Missions Trip
In early July I had the privilege of spending a week in Mexico with a small team of high schoolers and a few leaders from Compass and Reverence Bible Churches. Going into the trip I had many hesitations as I noticed a lack of planning. However God wanted us there and there was nothing that was going to stop that from happening. During that trip the students were able to not only grow through the preaching of the Truth but were also stretched and challenged as they learned to humble themselves and serve others as Christ demonstrated throughout Scripture. It was in those moments of service that I saw God's grace manifested. There was one specific example within the trip that stands out to me (some of you may remember it from an older blog).
This particular instance
really magnified His greatness to me was at the local outreach we had. On our way to the location we lost half of the drinks we had needed (we had brought just enough for 150 people and that is one drink each), so one of the Pastors on the trip headed back to pick up some water. I had instructed the students helping me that we should only give ONE drink to each person, after thinking for about two seconds Matthew 10:42 came to mind, "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward". It was at that moment that I realized what a small view of God I had! I needed to trust that the Lord would provide and prove Himself faithful, as He ALWAYS has. And He did. About thirty minutes prior to the end of the outreach, one of the students explained concern for lack of water. My response was, "We won't run out!". He looked at me like I was crazy, and again repeated His question, and I again repeated my response. It was at that moment that He too had realized that God provides for His people and that He did! We had plenty of water, the spout seemed to never dry up, it was incredible.
When I was asked to serve as the assistant to the administrative assistant for youth ministries this summer I was so excited and thought "what a blessing". However I soon realized that what the staff was planning for summer camp seemed like an impossible feat. In my prideful and controlling heart there were countless times I wondered in my mind how this event was going to be pulled off. I was often encouraged however by the passionate desire both Pastor Bobby and Lucas shared in making this revival a reality.
Needless to say I was put to shame when the camp exceeded everyone's expectations. That week was life changing for every person involved. Not only were we challenged by the Word of God to re-examine our hearts to see where we truly stand in the Lord's eyes but we were constantly encouraged and spurred on by one another as we sought to bring glory to His name in everything we did. More than a third of the students were saved during that week and even some of the staff!! It truly was a revival, a revival for Jesus Christ and the passionate pursuit of the Lord still continues on in the lives of many of those who attended.
Master's College
After skipping around from Biola to Saddleback and having made a decision to attend CalState Fullerton it was only by God's sovereign control that I ended up at the Master's College this fall. From the moment that the desire was put on my heart doors began swinging open and in a leap of faith I trusted God's faithful character and went and what an experience it has been thus far. I have been amazed at the Christ-focused staff, classes, chapels, and students. I have been challenged, encouraged, and refined by so many. It is so evident that God is working actively at the Master's College for His good pleasure and His glory. It has been a HUGE blessing as I have met some of the most amazing people in my life...ones who are passionately in love with and pursuing Christ with their whole lives and who spur me on to do the same. I am forever grateful for this huge blessing in my life this year.
I could go on for hours and hours with so many more examples of God's working in order to give Him all the credit. He truly deserves it all. I am who I am only by His grace. Where would I be without Him? He truly is an amazing Father, a faithful friend, a Sovereign Lord, and a trustworthy God. Apart from Him I am nothing but with Him I can do all things. Everything good comes from him...Matthew 7:11 says "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" What a privilege it has been this year to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, to be used by the Creator of the Universe for HIS glory.
2008 will bring its challenges and blessings but through it all God will be glorified and accomplish His purposes. I pray that this year I will be used fully for Christ, that He will be magnified through me and that He will enable me to follow hard after Him as I continue on running the race. Some of Jonathan Edward's resolutions are some of my prayers for 2008:
"Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can."
"Resolved, never to speak evil of anyone, so that it shall tend to his dishonor, more or less, upon no account except for some real good."
"Resolved, very much to exercise myself in this, all my life long, viz. with the greatest openness, of which I am capable of, to declare my ways to God, and lay open my soul to him: all my sins, temptations, difficulties, sorrows, fears, hopes, desires, and every thing, and every circumstance"
"Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God' s glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved to do this, whatever difficulties I meet with, how many soever, and how great soever."
"Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life."
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Our Great Pursuit: The Practice of True Humility (Part 3)
"Here's a scary thought: It's possible to admire humility while remaining proud ourselves" (Mahaney). Our hearts are deceitful and often deceive us into believing things that are not true. The only way that true application of humility can take place in our lives, and pride can be restrained is through "purposeful application of the truth--an effort and pursuit on our part that God will use for sanctifying and transformation in our lives". Often times we say we want to change or that we want to apply certain truths to our lives but we fail to put them into practice because of the lack of making things practical. Throughout the majority of Mahaney's book he gives a list and explanations of countless strategies to apply practically on our pursuit towards humility. Here are some of them:
1. Reflect on the Wonder of the Cross: This habit must be put into practice
on a daily basis in order to mortify your pride. Remembering who we are in regards to Christ and what He did in order that we may even have fellowship with God buts things into perspective rightly. Look at the lyrics to this song and it sums it up so well...When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.
2. Begin Your Day Acknowledging Your Need For God: How we begin our mornings often determines the outcome of our entire day. When we start our days off reminding ourselves of our dependence on God and our desperate need for Him our pride is put to shame. Sin is active in our lives, and that includes pride. "Sin doesn't wake up tired,because it hasn't been sleeping. When you wake up in the morning, sin is right there, fully awake, ready to attack." When you wake up and all throughout the day make statements...even out loud...declaring your need for God. Do you speak truth to yourself or do you listen to yourself? Speak truth to yourself and declare war on your pride.
3. Begin Your Day Expressing Gratitude to God: Michael Ramsey once said, "Thankfulness is a soil in which pride does not grow". When you begin the morning thanking Him for His constant grace and mercies in your life. Be alert for answered prayers in your life and THANK THE ONE who answered those for you. Don't stop in the morning either...throughout the day continue to thank Him for His evidences of grace everywhere...this will refocus your mind and stop pride in its track.
4. Practice Spiritual Disciplines: These include prayer, study of God's Word and worship. If you begin your day with this your day starts out right. By doing this it refocuses your mind to remembering that you NEED God. Some mornings you will feel a real nearness to the Lord and others maybe not as close but as Mahaney points out, "He may be sending you a message, 'I want you to grow more in your trust in Me; therefore I'm withdrawing my sense of My Nearness.' " No matter how hard it might be for you to begin doing this the more you do it the more you desire it, it is your spiritual food.
5. Seize Your Commute: According to the government the average American commutes daily about 25-minutes to and from work. Many in California spend much more time than that. During that time instead of complaining about the traffic you may be in or thinking about the ten million things you have to do that day, seize the time for memorizing and meditating on Scripture...get an audio recording of Scripture and ponder God's truths and be encouraged.
6. Casting Your Cares Upon Him: 1 Peter 5:6-7 says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." When we begin our day by humbling ourselves before our Maker and casting all our cares and worries on Him we are able to depend on Him and find peace. ..this also shoots your pride in the heart. "Acknowledge your need for Me! Cast your cares upon Me, and I will transform you...For though I'm opposed to your pride, I'll give grace to you when you humble yourself, and I'll give grace to you when you humble yourself, and I'll make you care free---not responsibility free, but care free. You'll be free from care. You'll instead be characterized by joy and peace" (Mahaney).
7. Staying Charged Up: We need to get charged up in the morning to last us for the entire day. However we need to bring Him into everything throughout our day so that we may stay charged. Throughout the day many cares and worries will be brought to you, you must refocus and spend time with the Lord then so your attitude can be transformed. "Don't be mistaken. God hasn't gone anywhere. He's just as sovereign, just as good, just as faithful when I'm buried under care as He was in those early hours of communion." Get charged and stay charged through HIM!
8. As Each Day Ends: "The end of each day offers a unique opportunity to cultivate humility and weaken pride, as well as to sense God's pleasure." Review your day and assign God the glory due His name. Avoid as Mahaney puts it, "cosmic plagiarism" in which you place yourself as the author of your life and ministry which is truly a gift from above. Any success' you receive are on His behalf not yours. Accept the gift of sleep and realize the purpose that it has. It is a gift and it reminds us of our dependence and trust on Him...when we lay our heads down at night on our pillows we are trusting that God will sustain us through the night. And lastly make your final thought at night, if possible, a reminder of the cross of Christ. "Let the Spirit give you a new perception and appreciation of sleep, so that this seemingly ordinary act might be transformed into an opportunity to cultivate humility and weaken pride".
9. Study the Attributes of God: Study them all but especially is incommunicable ones. I recommend reading A.W. Tozer's Knowledge of the Holy...this is a great starting place. "As we investigate such attributes, we become increasingly aware of the indescribably vast distance between ourselves and God". The more you realize the distance and difference between you and God, the more pride is killed.
10. Study the Doctrines of Grace: These include election, calling, justification etc. As you study these doctrines you will no longer be able to congratulate yourself. When you reflect on the truth of salvation and that it was God that called us "sovereignly, graciously, mercifully, and effectively and not because we called him". Our salvation from beginning to end is by His grace. A good book to invest in is Saved By Graceby Anthony Hoekema.
11. Study the Doctrine of Sin: John Owens once said, "There are two things that are suited to humble the souls of men...A due consideration of God, and then of ourselves." We must study sin and become aware of its ways. Sin cause destruction but not always right away and therefore we need to be on guard. We can become hardened to sin as we allow it in our lives and do not stop it as it comes. Not only should you study the doctrine of sin and get rid of the sin in your life but you should begin applying truth from Scripture in order to fully combat that.
12. LAUGH: Laugh often and laugh often at yourself. "Laughter is a divine gift to the human is humble. A proud man cannot laugh because he must watch his dignity; he cannot give himself over to the rocking and rolling of his belly. But a poor and happy man laughs heartily because he gives no serious attention to his ego".
13. Identify Evidences of Grace: There are countless examples throughout Scripture like Paul or Job and people in our own our families or in our churches who are living breathing examples of God's grace. How do you identify these? Be familiar with the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." And be familiar with the gifts of the Spirit. When you become familiar with these you will begin to see these manifested in those around you and you will be humbled and reminded of God's grace often.
14. Remember God is at Work: The call of God of the believer is the exact evidence we need that God has been at work in them all along. Being able to know how God works throughout Scripture enables us to see that working out in the lives of those around us and it reminds us that God is actively working for His glory and in His will.
15. Remember God is Faithful: Philippians 1:6 reminds us that He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it. Even when it seems like things aren't going the right way remember the God who has never let you down, who has ALWAYS been faithful NEVER changes.
16. Encourage Others: Nothing is more important then our words in regards to others. We have the ability to tear down and to build up in a split second. We need to use appropriate words, ones that are purposeful and not words that decay. Exhort each other daily. We need each other and we need each others help on our pursuit of Christ EVERY day.
17.Invite and Pursue Correction: Remember sin deceives...especially pride. We all need help, we all are blinded often by the sins and weaknesses in our life and we should be asking for and accepting correction from those who love us and desire for us to grow in the Lord. We have what Mahaney calls "pockets of spiritual blindness"...and we all do. It is vital you meet together for accountability and growth but just that doesn't work. You must admit your need for others and ACTIVELY participate in the group. We need help in applying truth CORRECTLY as well. The war against the spirit and flesh never ends, it is a lifelong battle until the day we meet our Maker and therefore we need help in this battle.
18. Respond Humbly To Trials: Suffering is inevitable in this fallen world and in the life of the Christian. Look at Habakkuk's example in Habakkuk 3:17-18 "Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior. "
Our response to trial is in regards to our view of God. Someone who responds rightly is truly humble in that they are prayerful before God (God-centered prayer), that they are waiting on the Lord (focusing on their salvation and not the suffering), and rejoicing in the Lord (and for who HE is and what He has yet to do). Prayerfully depend on the Lord for responding rightly to trials.
19. Leaving a Legacy of Greatness: If you asked your kids would they say they look up to you? We need to be examples in word and deed for our kids teaching them as living examples what a servant of Christ looks like so that they too may pursue true humility in life.
20. Remember who our BEST example is: Remember Christ, remember who He was and who He became so that we might experience eternity with Him. Remember how He lived, how He spoke, how He served, how He suffered, and how today He reigns on High and pursue that, pursue true humility like that modeled in Jesus Christ.
1. Reflect on the Wonder of the Cross: This habit must be put into practice
on a daily basis in order to mortify your pride. Remembering who we are in regards to Christ and what He did in order that we may even have fellowship with God buts things into perspective rightly. Look at the lyrics to this song and it sums it up so well...When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.
2. Begin Your Day Acknowledging Your Need For God: How we begin our mornings often determines the outcome of our entire day. When we start our days off reminding ourselves of our dependence on God and our desperate need for Him our pride is put to shame. Sin is active in our lives, and that includes pride. "Sin doesn't wake up tired,because it hasn't been sleeping. When you wake up in the morning, sin is right there, fully awake, ready to attack." When you wake up and all throughout the day make statements...even out loud...declaring your need for God. Do you speak truth to yourself or do you listen to yourself? Speak truth to yourself and declare war on your pride.
3. Begin Your Day Expressing Gratitude to God: Michael Ramsey once said, "Thankfulness is a soil in which pride does not grow". When you begin the morning thanking Him for His constant grace and mercies in your life. Be alert for answered prayers in your life and THANK THE ONE who answered those for you. Don't stop in the morning either...throughout the day continue to thank Him for His evidences of grace everywhere...this will refocus your mind and stop pride in its track.
4. Practice Spiritual Disciplines: These include prayer, study of God's Word and worship. If you begin your day with this your day starts out right. By doing this it refocuses your mind to remembering that you NEED God. Some mornings you will feel a real nearness to the Lord and others maybe not as close but as Mahaney points out, "He may be sending you a message, 'I want you to grow more in your trust in Me; therefore I'm withdrawing my sense of My Nearness.' " No matter how hard it might be for you to begin doing this the more you do it the more you desire it, it is your spiritual food.
5. Seize Your Commute: According to the government the average American commutes daily about 25-minutes to and from work. Many in California spend much more time than that. During that time instead of complaining about the traffic you may be in or thinking about the ten million things you have to do that day, seize the time for memorizing and meditating on Scripture...get an audio recording of Scripture and ponder God's truths and be encouraged.
6. Casting Your Cares Upon Him: 1 Peter 5:6-7 says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." When we begin our day by humbling ourselves before our Maker and casting all our cares and worries on Him we are able to depend on Him and find peace. ..this also shoots your pride in the heart. "Acknowledge your need for Me! Cast your cares upon Me, and I will transform you...For though I'm opposed to your pride, I'll give grace to you when you humble yourself, and I'll give grace to you when you humble yourself, and I'll make you care free---not responsibility free, but care free. You'll be free from care. You'll instead be characterized by joy and peace" (Mahaney).
7. Staying Charged Up: We need to get charged up in the morning to last us for the entire day. However we need to bring Him into everything throughout our day so that we may stay charged. Throughout the day many cares and worries will be brought to you, you must refocus and spend time with the Lord then so your attitude can be transformed. "Don't be mistaken. God hasn't gone anywhere. He's just as sovereign, just as good, just as faithful when I'm buried under care as He was in those early hours of communion." Get charged and stay charged through HIM!
8. As Each Day Ends: "The end of each day offers a unique opportunity to cultivate humility and weaken pride, as well as to sense God's pleasure." Review your day and assign God the glory due His name. Avoid as Mahaney puts it, "cosmic plagiarism" in which you place yourself as the author of your life and ministry which is truly a gift from above. Any success' you receive are on His behalf not yours. Accept the gift of sleep and realize the purpose that it has. It is a gift and it reminds us of our dependence and trust on Him...when we lay our heads down at night on our pillows we are trusting that God will sustain us through the night. And lastly make your final thought at night, if possible, a reminder of the cross of Christ. "Let the Spirit give you a new perception and appreciation of sleep, so that this seemingly ordinary act might be transformed into an opportunity to cultivate humility and weaken pride".
9. Study the Attributes of God: Study them all but especially is incommunicable ones. I recommend reading A.W. Tozer's Knowledge of the Holy...this is a great starting place. "As we investigate such attributes, we become increasingly aware of the indescribably vast distance between ourselves and God". The more you realize the distance and difference between you and God, the more pride is killed.
10. Study the Doctrines of Grace: These include election, calling, justification etc. As you study these doctrines you will no longer be able to congratulate yourself. When you reflect on the truth of salvation and that it was God that called us "sovereignly, graciously, mercifully, and effectively and not because we called him". Our salvation from beginning to end is by His grace. A good book to invest in is Saved By Graceby Anthony Hoekema.
11. Study the Doctrine of Sin: John Owens once said, "There are two things that are suited to humble the souls of men...A due consideration of God, and then of ourselves." We must study sin and become aware of its ways. Sin cause destruction but not always right away and therefore we need to be on guard. We can become hardened to sin as we allow it in our lives and do not stop it as it comes. Not only should you study the doctrine of sin and get rid of the sin in your life but you should begin applying truth from Scripture in order to fully combat that.
12. LAUGH: Laugh often and laugh often at yourself. "Laughter is a divine gift to the human is humble. A proud man cannot laugh because he must watch his dignity; he cannot give himself over to the rocking and rolling of his belly. But a poor and happy man laughs heartily because he gives no serious attention to his ego".
13. Identify Evidences of Grace: There are countless examples throughout Scripture like Paul or Job and people in our own our families or in our churches who are living breathing examples of God's grace. How do you identify these? Be familiar with the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." And be familiar with the gifts of the Spirit. When you become familiar with these you will begin to see these manifested in those around you and you will be humbled and reminded of God's grace often.
14. Remember God is at Work: The call of God of the believer is the exact evidence we need that God has been at work in them all along. Being able to know how God works throughout Scripture enables us to see that working out in the lives of those around us and it reminds us that God is actively working for His glory and in His will.
15. Remember God is Faithful: Philippians 1:6 reminds us that He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it. Even when it seems like things aren't going the right way remember the God who has never let you down, who has ALWAYS been faithful NEVER changes.
16. Encourage Others: Nothing is more important then our words in regards to others. We have the ability to tear down and to build up in a split second. We need to use appropriate words, ones that are purposeful and not words that decay. Exhort each other daily. We need each other and we need each others help on our pursuit of Christ EVERY day.
17.Invite and Pursue Correction: Remember sin deceives...especially pride. We all need help, we all are blinded often by the sins and weaknesses in our life and we should be asking for and accepting correction from those who love us and desire for us to grow in the Lord. We have what Mahaney calls "pockets of spiritual blindness"...and we all do. It is vital you meet together for accountability and growth but just that doesn't work. You must admit your need for others and ACTIVELY participate in the group. We need help in applying truth CORRECTLY as well. The war against the spirit and flesh never ends, it is a lifelong battle until the day we meet our Maker and therefore we need help in this battle.
18. Respond Humbly To Trials: Suffering is inevitable in this fallen world and in the life of the Christian. Look at Habakkuk's example in Habakkuk 3:17-18 "Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior. "
Our response to trial is in regards to our view of God. Someone who responds rightly is truly humble in that they are prayerful before God (God-centered prayer), that they are waiting on the Lord (focusing on their salvation and not the suffering), and rejoicing in the Lord (and for who HE is and what He has yet to do). Prayerfully depend on the Lord for responding rightly to trials.
19. Leaving a Legacy of Greatness: If you asked your kids would they say they look up to you? We need to be examples in word and deed for our kids teaching them as living examples what a servant of Christ looks like so that they too may pursue true humility in life.
20. Remember who our BEST example is: Remember Christ, remember who He was and who He became so that we might experience eternity with Him. Remember how He lived, how He spoke, how He served, how He suffered, and how today He reigns on High and pursue that, pursue true humility like that modeled in Jesus Christ.
Friday, December 28, 2007
The Great Reversal: Our Savior and the Secret of Greatness (Part 2)
When we think about pride I think each of us would come to the conclusion that it truly is as Charles Spurgeon once said "a groundless thing". Yet despite that it is displayed in each one of us. Look back to the disciples and see how even they struggled with this distorting sin. In Mark we read about how each of them fought over who was the greatest among them. Jesus soon reminded them that "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." This was a new way of thinking even for His 12. James and John asked Christ for a place next to him when he ruled, this too demonstrates their high view of themselves. Their requests to the Lord could have been one of strength during suffering or comfort during trial but they instead selfishly ask for something that manifests their prideful hearts.
Jesus, in his gentle love redefines true greatness. It isn't what the world would look at as "great" but rater what the God of the universe would be pleased by. "What I find especially fascinating and instructive in His next words is that Jesus does not categorically criticize or forbid the desire and ambition to be great. Instead, He clearly redirects that ambition to be great" (Mahaney). Jesus uses himself as the example for all, that He came not to be served but rather to serve many, in fact he came to give His very life as a ransom.
In the 21st century true greatness comes in the form of personal success, self-sufficiency, achievements in school, on the job, or self-righteousness. The Bible explains it much differently: "true greatness as biblically defined is serving others for the glory of God". What?!! That is definitely not something the world welcomes with open arms. Serving others is not something that is done often unless it is on public display for all to see so that those doing it can receive a pat on the back or a word of praise. Yet Mahaney reminds us that there are examples of true greatness all around us, we need to observe and strive to be like them. Think for a moment and I guarantee you will come up with a couple of people who remarkably display this true greatness in their lives. Thank God for that example and then strive to model it as well.
"To learn true humility, we need more than a redefinition of greatness; we need even more than a redefinition of greatness; we need even more than Jesus' personal example of humble service. What we need is His death" (Mahaney). Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Jesus is the PERFECT example of true greatness. Our Christian service in ministry is to only draw attention to Him. Picture it for a moment, the Lord of the universe leading His disciples to the very place where He will be taken away to be nailed to a cross. Nobody is leading him or forcing him, he is leading the way. He explains to His disciples His coming death as a ransom in which the payment of the condemned sinner would take place. Think of Him saying, "You're lost. Your situation couldn't be more hopeless. And on your won, your incapable of altering or escaping it" (Mahaney). His death was necessary because ALL of humanity has been corrupted by sin and therefore condemned by God.
It is interesting to look at Mark 10 and find yourself in the "gallery of sinners". Whether you are James or John or the rich young ruler you (before Christ) were stained with sin. It is humanly impossible to free ourselves from sin...from pride, but the Savior's death paid the ransom, paid the price required...the life of God's ONLY Son. "How will God save? He will save by executing His Son--for the sake of the rich young rulers, for the sake of James and John, for the sake of ten indignant disciples, and for the sake of proud sinners like you and me" (Mahaney). "
"We go free! We're ransomed...liberated...forgiven of our sins. What a relief! And then we're transformed throughout our lifetimes into the image of His Son, serving others for the glory of God" (Mahaney). If you look at the life of the disciples after Christ's death you see a radical see men who were willing to humble themselves, even to the point of death for the sake of the Gospel. What a radical example of a transformed heart by the cross of Christ.
"Consider your own life for a moment. Where would you be today if He hadn't ransomed you, if He hadn't liberated you? I'll tell you where. You would be self-sufficient, seeking to cultivate self-confidence for the purpose of self-glorification. But what has happened to you? If you've been genuinely converted, you've been forgiven and transformed...The cross ransoms, teh cross liberates, the cross transforms! So make it your aim and lifelong habit, when you see someone who's serving, to be reminded of the sacrifice of the Savior, for apart from His sacrifice there is no serving. True greatness is attained only by emulating the Savior's example---and possible only by the Savior's sacrifice" (Mahaney).
Jesus, in his gentle love redefines true greatness. It isn't what the world would look at as "great" but rater what the God of the universe would be pleased by. "What I find especially fascinating and instructive in His next words is that Jesus does not categorically criticize or forbid the desire and ambition to be great. Instead, He clearly redirects that ambition to be great" (Mahaney). Jesus uses himself as the example for all, that He came not to be served but rather to serve many, in fact he came to give His very life as a ransom.
In the 21st century true greatness comes in the form of personal success, self-sufficiency, achievements in school, on the job, or self-righteousness. The Bible explains it much differently: "true greatness as biblically defined is serving others for the glory of God". What?!! That is definitely not something the world welcomes with open arms. Serving others is not something that is done often unless it is on public display for all to see so that those doing it can receive a pat on the back or a word of praise. Yet Mahaney reminds us that there are examples of true greatness all around us, we need to observe and strive to be like them. Think for a moment and I guarantee you will come up with a couple of people who remarkably display this true greatness in their lives. Thank God for that example and then strive to model it as well.
"To learn true humility, we need more than a redefinition of greatness; we need even more than a redefinition of greatness; we need even more than Jesus' personal example of humble service. What we need is His death" (Mahaney). Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Jesus is the PERFECT example of true greatness. Our Christian service in ministry is to only draw attention to Him. Picture it for a moment, the Lord of the universe leading His disciples to the very place where He will be taken away to be nailed to a cross. Nobody is leading him or forcing him, he is leading the way. He explains to His disciples His coming death as a ransom in which the payment of the condemned sinner would take place. Think of Him saying, "You're lost. Your situation couldn't be more hopeless. And on your won, your incapable of altering or escaping it" (Mahaney). His death was necessary because ALL of humanity has been corrupted by sin and therefore condemned by God.
It is interesting to look at Mark 10 and find yourself in the "gallery of sinners". Whether you are James or John or the rich young ruler you (before Christ) were stained with sin. It is humanly impossible to free ourselves from sin...from pride, but the Savior's death paid the ransom, paid the price required...the life of God's ONLY Son. "How will God save? He will save by executing His Son--for the sake of the rich young rulers, for the sake of James and John, for the sake of ten indignant disciples, and for the sake of proud sinners like you and me" (Mahaney). "
"We go free! We're ransomed...liberated...forgiven of our sins. What a relief! And then we're transformed throughout our lifetimes into the image of His Son, serving others for the glory of God" (Mahaney). If you look at the life of the disciples after Christ's death you see a radical see men who were willing to humble themselves, even to the point of death for the sake of the Gospel. What a radical example of a transformed heart by the cross of Christ.
"Consider your own life for a moment. Where would you be today if He hadn't ransomed you, if He hadn't liberated you? I'll tell you where. You would be self-sufficient, seeking to cultivate self-confidence for the purpose of self-glorification. But what has happened to you? If you've been genuinely converted, you've been forgiven and transformed...The cross ransoms, teh cross liberates, the cross transforms! So make it your aim and lifelong habit, when you see someone who's serving, to be reminded of the sacrifice of the Savior, for apart from His sacrifice there is no serving. True greatness is attained only by emulating the Savior's example---and possible only by the Savior's sacrifice" (Mahaney).
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Our Greatest Friend, Our Greatest Enemy...The Battle of Humility Versus Pride (Part 1)
I just finished reading C.J. Mahaney's book Humility: True Greatness and have been challenged and encouraged in so many vital ways. After finishing I was excited to recommend this book to everyone I know who is passionately pursuing the Lord and decided what better way to share what I learned then to write a couple blogs on the general ideas presented in this book.
We live in a culture that rewards the proud, one that applauds our success' daily and a world that desires to label stars, athletes, politicians, and even ordinary people as "great". As Christians we usually live counter-culturally and it is no different in this instance. Christ does not demand pride and what the world labels "self esteem" but rather humility. Take for example Isaiah 66:2 "This is the one who I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word."... A stark contrast to what society would say as honorable. Pride draws the attention of the world but as Mahaney puts, "humility draws the gaze of our Sovereign God". In this passage in Isaiah God is speaking to the Israelites, His chosen nation and people, reminding them that their privilege is not because of their own doing but rather because of God's mercy and choice.
Throughout Scripture God promises to help those that are humble. "He is aware of everything. He's also searching for something in particular, something that acts like a magnet to capture His attention and invite His active involvement. God is decisively drawn to humility. The one who is humble is the one who draws God's attention,and in a sense, drawing His attention means also attracting His grace..." (Mahaney). James 4:6 promises " grace to the humble!" what a promise. We need to stop with the idea of 'pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps' and realize that we need to humble ourselves and fully rely on the God of the universe.
Many try humility on for size. In fact it is almost like a dress up costume you wore when you were a put it on in public for all to see...for example someone says great job on a play and you quickly remind them that 'anybody could have done it'...however on the inside you know you are only wearing a costume as pride billows beneath in your joy of being called "humble". What is humility? Humility as Mahanaey puts it, "is honestly assessing ourselves in light of God's holiness and our sinfluness". Wow what a reality that truly is. Until we honestly look at the reality of these two things we will never be able to see past our pride. Pride destroys individuals, it destroys families, it destroys friendships, business' and churches.
Think back on one of your many prideful moments in life C.J. Mahaney brings forth one of his own...the time his car broke down and he had no idea what to do but to look "manly" he had to look in the engine and try and fix it himself, which of course came with no success. We need help, we are humans. We cannot do everything, in fact we can't do most things well and on our own. Pride was the first sin and for the most part is the root of all sin thereafter. In Isaiah 14 we read that the reason for Satan's rebellion was because he desired to ascend to heaven and be more beautiful and glorious then God. Pride, from God's view, is extremely fact it falls in Proverbs 6's list of the abominations to the Lord. He hates it! Why does God hate it? "Pride is when sinful human beings aspire to the status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependence upon Him". God opposes it, in fact he is "actively opposed to it". Because God opposes it you can be sure that the proud will not escape discipline (His kids) and judgement (for the unbeliever).
God in His mercy warns about pride over and over again throughout Scripture. He explains why it is truly our greatest enemy and commands us to humble ourselves time and time again. It is only by His strength that this is possible. "By unmasking pride--as well as introducing us to humility, our greatest friend--God is laying out for us the path to true greatness, a path that we will see most clearly in our Savior's life and death".
We live in a culture that rewards the proud, one that applauds our success' daily and a world that desires to label stars, athletes, politicians, and even ordinary people as "great". As Christians we usually live counter-culturally and it is no different in this instance. Christ does not demand pride and what the world labels "self esteem" but rather humility. Take for example Isaiah 66:2 "This is the one who I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word."... A stark contrast to what society would say as honorable. Pride draws the attention of the world but as Mahaney puts, "humility draws the gaze of our Sovereign God". In this passage in Isaiah God is speaking to the Israelites, His chosen nation and people, reminding them that their privilege is not because of their own doing but rather because of God's mercy and choice.
Throughout Scripture God promises to help those that are humble. "He is aware of everything. He's also searching for something in particular, something that acts like a magnet to capture His attention and invite His active involvement. God is decisively drawn to humility. The one who is humble is the one who draws God's attention,and in a sense, drawing His attention means also attracting His grace..." (Mahaney). James 4:6 promises " grace to the humble!" what a promise. We need to stop with the idea of 'pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps' and realize that we need to humble ourselves and fully rely on the God of the universe.
Many try humility on for size. In fact it is almost like a dress up costume you wore when you were a put it on in public for all to see...for example someone says great job on a play and you quickly remind them that 'anybody could have done it'...however on the inside you know you are only wearing a costume as pride billows beneath in your joy of being called "humble". What is humility? Humility as Mahanaey puts it, "is honestly assessing ourselves in light of God's holiness and our sinfluness". Wow what a reality that truly is. Until we honestly look at the reality of these two things we will never be able to see past our pride. Pride destroys individuals, it destroys families, it destroys friendships, business' and churches.
Think back on one of your many prideful moments in life C.J. Mahaney brings forth one of his own...the time his car broke down and he had no idea what to do but to look "manly" he had to look in the engine and try and fix it himself, which of course came with no success. We need help, we are humans. We cannot do everything, in fact we can't do most things well and on our own. Pride was the first sin and for the most part is the root of all sin thereafter. In Isaiah 14 we read that the reason for Satan's rebellion was because he desired to ascend to heaven and be more beautiful and glorious then God. Pride, from God's view, is extremely fact it falls in Proverbs 6's list of the abominations to the Lord. He hates it! Why does God hate it? "Pride is when sinful human beings aspire to the status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependence upon Him". God opposes it, in fact he is "actively opposed to it". Because God opposes it you can be sure that the proud will not escape discipline (His kids) and judgement (for the unbeliever).
God in His mercy warns about pride over and over again throughout Scripture. He explains why it is truly our greatest enemy and commands us to humble ourselves time and time again. It is only by His strength that this is possible. "By unmasking pride--as well as introducing us to humility, our greatest friend--God is laying out for us the path to true greatness, a path that we will see most clearly in our Savior's life and death".
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Learning Patience
Lets face it, in this fast paced "microwave" society of the 21st century we live in we aren't used to having to wait around for things...instead we get things when we want them which is pretty much immediately. If we are hungry we eat, if we are thirsty we get a drink, if we are tired we take a nap, if we want a song we download it online if we need a new shirt we go to the mall etc. Having to wait is just well out of the question. God makes me laugh quite often. I once heard a quote that said, if you want to make God laugh, tell God YOUR plans. My life as a disciple has been full of surprises, things I would have never expected but have turned out to be far exceeding anything I could have dreamed. God truly does know best. I sometimes have to take a step back and laugh at myself and wonder why I ever even try to plan...anyways, one lesson God seems to have to teach me over and over and OVER again is patience. My time frame is not God's time frame at all. Sometimes it is quicker and sometimes longer and sometimes He answers it completely differently. Merriam Webster defines patience as "bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint, not hasty or impetuous, steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity, able or willing to bear". As I look at that definition I am again astonished at my sinfulness. The root of my impatience comes from a lack of trust in God's sovereignty which ultimately stems from a desire to be in control which comes from pride. I think I know best...would I ever say that? No, but my actions speak louder then words. Although I am actively striving to gain patience in my life it is a daily struggle and it is only by God's grace that I can withstand during my trials etc.
The following verses have encouraged me in my pursuit of gaining patience:
Samuel 12:16 "Now stand STILL and see the great thing the LORD will do before your eyes."
Psalm 37:7 "Wait and trust the LORD. Don't be upset when others get rich or when someone else's plans succeed."
Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the LORD. He turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 130:5-6 "I wait for the LORD to help me, and I trust his word. I wait for the Lord to help me more than night watchmen wait for the dawn, more than night watchmen wait for the dawn."
Hebrews 6:12 "We do not want you to become lazy. Be like those who through faith and patience will receive what God has promised."
James 1:2-4 "My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, 3 because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. 4 Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need."
I am definitely learning and seeking Him as I go. It is only by His grace that I am who I am and that I even have the ability to be able to trust Him and have patience. I have realized that patience is another character trait that sets us apart in this fallen world. As I continue to seek the Lord's strength each day and ask Him to enable me to be patience I find comfort in knowing that He is good and faithful and that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.
The following verses have encouraged me in my pursuit of gaining patience:
Samuel 12:16 "Now stand STILL and see the great thing the LORD will do before your eyes."
Psalm 37:7 "Wait and trust the LORD. Don't be upset when others get rich or when someone else's plans succeed."
Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the LORD. He turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 130:5-6 "I wait for the LORD to help me, and I trust his word. I wait for the Lord to help me more than night watchmen wait for the dawn, more than night watchmen wait for the dawn."
Hebrews 6:12 "We do not want you to become lazy. Be like those who through faith and patience will receive what God has promised."
James 1:2-4 "My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, 3 because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. 4 Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need."
I am definitely learning and seeking Him as I go. It is only by His grace that I am who I am and that I even have the ability to be able to trust Him and have patience. I have realized that patience is another character trait that sets us apart in this fallen world. As I continue to seek the Lord's strength each day and ask Him to enable me to be patience I find comfort in knowing that He is good and faithful and that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Full Time?
This morning at True North (high school ministry at Compass Bible Church), Pastor Bobby preached a deeply challenging message on what it means to be what he called "Full Time for Jesus". Often in our mindsets when we think of full time we think of a 40hr work week that includes breaks for holidays, weekends, and 6-8 hours of free time every evening. However no where in Scripture does it say that you get to take a break from ministry, discipleship, or the life that lives for Christ. Although we would NEVER say that we have the mindset in which we take "breaks" from our Christian walk the way we live would contradict that statement.
1 Corinthians 15:58 says "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
What does that verse mean in the life of the believer? Lets take a brief look at three things...
1. STAY Steadfast in What You Believe
-Day in and day out live the Christian faith
-Stand firm like a rock!
-It is rare to find a Christian you can count that Christian
-1 Peter 5:10 says, "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." GOD is the one that will give you the ability to stay steadfast as we are commanded in Scripture
2. Be about your Father's Business
-What would people say you are about? School, Money, Sports or CHRIST and the furthering of the Gospel for His glory?
-What are you not to do?
a. Stop Living For Yourself- Die to yourself every day (Matthew 16:24-28)
b. Stop Sinning- don't be like the world anymore...repentance means CHANGE
-What was Jesus about? Luke 2:41-47 shows us a perfect example that Jesus was about His Father's business
-Ephesians 4:11-13 says, "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."
-Always means 100% of your time!
-Fully means 100% of your heart
3.Have Confidence that EVERYTHING You Do in Christ Matters
-It matters for God's glory
-It matters for the edification and blessing of others
-It matters for your eternal reward (Mark 9:41 says, "I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward."
Are you full time for Jesus? Is everything you are about Him and His glory and kingdom? Do you believe that it is better to give than receive? Do you serve others every chance you get? I challenge you to evaluate your life and see how you might be all about your father's business!!!
1 Corinthians 15:58 says "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
What does that verse mean in the life of the believer? Lets take a brief look at three things...
1. STAY Steadfast in What You Believe
-Day in and day out live the Christian faith
-Stand firm like a rock!
-It is rare to find a Christian you can count that Christian
-1 Peter 5:10 says, "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." GOD is the one that will give you the ability to stay steadfast as we are commanded in Scripture
2. Be about your Father's Business
-What would people say you are about? School, Money, Sports or CHRIST and the furthering of the Gospel for His glory?
-What are you not to do?
a. Stop Living For Yourself- Die to yourself every day (Matthew 16:24-28)
b. Stop Sinning- don't be like the world anymore...repentance means CHANGE
-What was Jesus about? Luke 2:41-47 shows us a perfect example that Jesus was about His Father's business
-Ephesians 4:11-13 says, "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."
-Always means 100% of your time!
-Fully means 100% of your heart
3.Have Confidence that EVERYTHING You Do in Christ Matters
-It matters for God's glory
-It matters for the edification and blessing of others
-It matters for your eternal reward (Mark 9:41 says, "I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward."
Are you full time for Jesus? Is everything you are about Him and His glory and kingdom? Do you believe that it is better to give than receive? Do you serve others every chance you get? I challenge you to evaluate your life and see how you might be all about your father's business!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Wisdom of God
I am currently reading the book The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer. So far it has been a theologically challenging book as I have come to better understand the character and attributes of God. One particular attribute that has left me baffled yet encouraged is His wisdom. Tozer explains that we need to hold to the truth of God's infinte wisdom in order to understand God. We cannot only hold to that understanding but in faith and prayer we must bring that into our every day experiences. "To believe actively that our Heavenly Father constantly spreads around us providential circumstances that work for our present good and our everlasting well being brings to the sould a veritable benedication. Most of us go through life praying little, planning a little, jockeying for position, hoping but never being quite certain of anything, and always secretly afraid that we will miss the way. This is a tragic waste of truth and never gives rest to the heart. There is a better way. It is to repudiate our own wisdom and take instead the infinite wisdom of God. Our insistence upon seeing ahead is natural enough, but it is a real hindrance to our spiritual progress. God has charged Himself with full repsonsibility for our eternal happiness and stands ready to take over the management of our lives the moment we turn to faith to Him."
God constantly encourages us to TRUST Him! Why is it that it is so difficult to trust an all-knowing, all-powerful, never-changing God? In our fleshly nature we fail to realize that the God who was faithful to save us from eternity apart from Him is faithful to guide us in the small things as well as the big. We must cling to God's character and by His Word and through faith trust in His wisdom!
"To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his."Job 12:13
God constantly encourages us to TRUST Him! Why is it that it is so difficult to trust an all-knowing, all-powerful, never-changing God? In our fleshly nature we fail to realize that the God who was faithful to save us from eternity apart from Him is faithful to guide us in the small things as well as the big. We must cling to God's character and by His Word and through faith trust in His wisdom!
"To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his."Job 12:13
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
God's Beauty

I am in cold and beautiful Colorado spending time with two of my favorite people in the world! Yesterday we went up to the Rockies to find a spot to sled. After a beautiful scenic drive we found our spot. I saw snow that hadn't been ANYTHING and that is very very tempting to jump in. Little did we know it was about a foot and a half deep and as we tried to walk up what seemed like a tiny hill we were in for an impossible task, but Kendall and I being determined made it up to the top without too many slips and falls and found the perfect spot to sled down! I guess not growing up in the snow didn't prepare me for some things one of which was the fact that fresh powder isn't the best for sledding, in fact it isn't good at all. About five feet down we got buried in the snow which was FREEZING by the way, but it was a memory I will never forget. As I lay there and looked up at the mountains around me and the snow covering everything I was again amazed by God's creation which never ceases to blow my mind. God's handprints are on all of creation and I feel blessed to experience its beauty. What an amazing God...
Monday, December 17, 2007
For I Know The Plans I Have For You...
There are those verses throughout Scripture that Christians pull and cling to throughout their lives. One of those is Jeremiah 29:11 which says, "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope". As Christians this verse resonates deep within our souls and brings a comfort that one can't describe. However we must make sure that as we read Scripture we clearly look at the context and what God was meaning to say. This "future" or "hope" was not promised to you or to me as 21st century Christians but rather to the Jewish nation of Israel. This assured blessings from the Lord to be brought in Israel's future.
I clearly remember taking this verse and applying it to my own life as a promise that was made specifically to me. Yet as I began to study I was shocked to realize that that was not the case. Discouraged for a moment I soon found comfort in this "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8)Although Jeremiah 29:11 was not written specifically to me for my life, the God who made that promise to Israel is the same God today and has made a similar promise to me. In Romans 8:28 He promises that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it! God has an amazing plan for each of us 21st century disciples, plans to magnify Himself and bring glory and honor to His name, plans that include earthly and eternal blessings and plans that will keep us confident in the hope that we posses. The plans He has for us have been made before the foundations of the earth and we can do nothing in our sinful nature or power to change that! God is sovereign and in control of all. How comforting and encouraging is that. What an indescribable God we serve today, tomorrow and forevermore into eternity!!!
I clearly remember taking this verse and applying it to my own life as a promise that was made specifically to me. Yet as I began to study I was shocked to realize that that was not the case. Discouraged for a moment I soon found comfort in this "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8)Although Jeremiah 29:11 was not written specifically to me for my life, the God who made that promise to Israel is the same God today and has made a similar promise to me. In Romans 8:28 He promises that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it! God has an amazing plan for each of us 21st century disciples, plans to magnify Himself and bring glory and honor to His name, plans that include earthly and eternal blessings and plans that will keep us confident in the hope that we posses. The plans He has for us have been made before the foundations of the earth and we can do nothing in our sinful nature or power to change that! God is sovereign and in control of all. How comforting and encouraging is that. What an indescribable God we serve today, tomorrow and forevermore into eternity!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hard But So Worth It
I recently had a conversation with a friend about the walk of faith that we as disciples have been called to. During our conversation he hit me with a question that struck a chord deep down inside...sometimes it is just so it really worth it? As disciples of the Lord living in a world that constantly nags at our flesh and tries to motivate us to live for anything but Christ it is easy to fall prey to Satan's lies and schemes of thinking that this race we've been called to just might not be worth it in the end. The persecution we may have to endure from family and friends, the spiritual battle we have to fight on a daily basis as our spirit wages war with our flesh, and so on.
I sat quietly thinking of how to respond. Why is it that I find so much joy in following the Lord I wondered. Is it difficult for me at times? Absolutely! I realized at that very moment that when I try and depend on my own strength to endure in this life I fail miserably and the reward of eternal life seems to pale in the future, but when I depend on Christ alone (Philippians 4:13) for my strength and satisfaction that hope of eternal glory seems closer than ever. Of course this race we are running is hard, the Bible doesn't promise us anything but that. Jesus even reminds us in John 15:20 "Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also." How true is that. Sometimes reminding ourselves of what the perfect God-man Jesus Christ had to endure puts things into perspective. Our trials should turn into blessings and privileges because of the reward we will inherit, James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
Satan tries to lie to us to make us the most ineffective Christians as there is possible. If God has saved us nobody can snatch us from His hands but Satan will do the best he can to make you doubt, struggle, and compromise. We must be on guard putting on the armor of the Lord daily...especially in the Word which is our sword!
This life of faith is HARD...but it is so worth it, because one day we will enter into the kingdom of heaven and hear the precious words of the Creator of the universe, "Welcome Home!"
I sat quietly thinking of how to respond. Why is it that I find so much joy in following the Lord I wondered. Is it difficult for me at times? Absolutely! I realized at that very moment that when I try and depend on my own strength to endure in this life I fail miserably and the reward of eternal life seems to pale in the future, but when I depend on Christ alone (Philippians 4:13) for my strength and satisfaction that hope of eternal glory seems closer than ever. Of course this race we are running is hard, the Bible doesn't promise us anything but that. Jesus even reminds us in John 15:20 "Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also." How true is that. Sometimes reminding ourselves of what the perfect God-man Jesus Christ had to endure puts things into perspective. Our trials should turn into blessings and privileges because of the reward we will inherit, James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
Satan tries to lie to us to make us the most ineffective Christians as there is possible. If God has saved us nobody can snatch us from His hands but Satan will do the best he can to make you doubt, struggle, and compromise. We must be on guard putting on the armor of the Lord daily...especially in the Word which is our sword!
This life of faith is HARD...but it is so worth it, because one day we will enter into the kingdom of heaven and hear the precious words of the Creator of the universe, "Welcome Home!"
Friday, December 07, 2007
Waiting on the Lord
The past week has been one full of much stress, anxiety and anticipation. As Christmas, the end of school, my birthday, and other exciting things roll around it is easy to get overwhelmed and to become anxious. Meditating on Philippians 4:6-7 brought me a sense of peace and joy yet the pressure didn't seem to fade. Added to everything was an onset of emotions and confusion that brought even more chaos to my busy week. Because of all of this going on in daily life and swarming in my own head I have failed to stay faithful to trusting in the Lord and spending adequate time with Him. My desire and passion for Him began to slowly slip into the background as other things came to the forefront of my mind. All that said, as I sat in my room one night this week preaching to myself and seeking the Lord for clarity, wisdom, and discernment I turned to Psalms where I was sure I would find encouragement from the Psalmists who often too cried out to the Lord.
" 1 Give ear to my words, O LORD,
consider my sighing.
2 Listen to my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for to you I pray.
3 In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.
4 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
with you the wicked cannot dwell.
5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
you hate all who do wrong.
6 You destroy those who tell lies;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
the LORD abhors.
7 But I, by your great mercy,
will come into your house;
in reverence will I bow down
toward your holy temple.
8 Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness
because of my enemies—
make straight your way before me.
9 Not a word from their mouth can be trusted;
their heart is filled with destruction.
Their throat is an open grave;
with their tongue they speak deceit.
10 Declare them guilty, O God!
Let their intrigues be their downfall.
Banish them for their many sins,
for they have rebelled against you.
11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
12 For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield."
My heart began to cry out to the Lord as the Psalmist did here asking for the Lord to listen to my plea, my petition my prayer (as commanded in Philippians 4:6-7). Verse 3 brought so much comfort to my heart as I read the truth of God's Word in being reminded that as I lay my requests before the Lord I can be confident that HE will bring about good from it all and bring glory to Himself (Romans 8:28). Verse 11 reminds us to take refuge in the Lord...He is our shield! And then it hit me, how often I have to be reminded of this, but how awesome to know the TRUTH that the Creator of the Universe desires to have a relationship with me and to use me for His kingdom and glory...that baffles my mind.
I began to wonder why I was fretting, why I was so anxious, why I was so confused. The God of the Universe is holding me in the palm of His hands and He is sovereign over all and has it all under control despite the fact that I feel like it is chaos. It was a great reminder in waiting on the Lord. Psalm 37:7 says, "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him". Living in a society that is self centered and instant it is easy to loose heart and to fall prey into not trusting the Lord and His timing. However we must remember God's ways are not our ways and His timing is not our timing. Waiting on Him, no matter how hard it is (and He gives us the strength through His Word and Spirit and prayer etc.), will in the end bring much fruit in our lives and glory to our don't loose heart, just wait!
" 1 Give ear to my words, O LORD,
consider my sighing.
2 Listen to my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for to you I pray.
3 In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.
4 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
with you the wicked cannot dwell.
5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
you hate all who do wrong.
6 You destroy those who tell lies;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men
the LORD abhors.
7 But I, by your great mercy,
will come into your house;
in reverence will I bow down
toward your holy temple.
8 Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness
because of my enemies—
make straight your way before me.
9 Not a word from their mouth can be trusted;
their heart is filled with destruction.
Their throat is an open grave;
with their tongue they speak deceit.
10 Declare them guilty, O God!
Let their intrigues be their downfall.
Banish them for their many sins,
for they have rebelled against you.
11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
12 For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield."
My heart began to cry out to the Lord as the Psalmist did here asking for the Lord to listen to my plea, my petition my prayer (as commanded in Philippians 4:6-7). Verse 3 brought so much comfort to my heart as I read the truth of God's Word in being reminded that as I lay my requests before the Lord I can be confident that HE will bring about good from it all and bring glory to Himself (Romans 8:28). Verse 11 reminds us to take refuge in the Lord...He is our shield! And then it hit me, how often I have to be reminded of this, but how awesome to know the TRUTH that the Creator of the Universe desires to have a relationship with me and to use me for His kingdom and glory...that baffles my mind.
I began to wonder why I was fretting, why I was so anxious, why I was so confused. The God of the Universe is holding me in the palm of His hands and He is sovereign over all and has it all under control despite the fact that I feel like it is chaos. It was a great reminder in waiting on the Lord. Psalm 37:7 says, "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him". Living in a society that is self centered and instant it is easy to loose heart and to fall prey into not trusting the Lord and His timing. However we must remember God's ways are not our ways and His timing is not our timing. Waiting on Him, no matter how hard it is (and He gives us the strength through His Word and Spirit and prayer etc.), will in the end bring much fruit in our lives and glory to our don't loose heart, just wait!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
At chapel this Wednesday our RD Meredith spoke to the girls in CDUB about being completely satisfied in the Lord. After listening for about five minutes to what she had to say I realized how often I find satisfaction in other things despite how faithful the Lord truly is.
As humans we deserve eternal condemnation, hell, and separation from the living God for all of eternity, but in God's great favor and mercy He chose to redeem us and pluck us from the pit of eternal damnation that we might glory with Him forever in heaven. What a picture of faithfulness and unconditional love. As a fellow believer I often become numb or callous to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of the countless times I have heard it preached, but how could I not hear that message and rejoice in what He has done!
It is a message of undeserving grace to a totally depraved sinner. Anything good is from Him alone and all else comes from the sinfulness of humanity. Why is it that I so quickly expect the Lord to do so many "good" things for me or expect to have countless "blessings" bestowed on my life? I have the most incredible gift, the only gift I could ever need anything else is just an added blessing, all of which I do NOT deserve. Therefore my satisfaction should be found in Him alone, in the cross of Christ! I should be thankful for the gift of grace and realize that anything good, any blessing (which are countless) comes from Him alone. I have more than I ever deserve or could ever need, I pray that He would be my complete satisfaction and that I wouldn't, in my pride, expect more to make me happy or satisfied, but find Him my all consuming passion!!
"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." -Psalm 90:14
As humans we deserve eternal condemnation, hell, and separation from the living God for all of eternity, but in God's great favor and mercy He chose to redeem us and pluck us from the pit of eternal damnation that we might glory with Him forever in heaven. What a picture of faithfulness and unconditional love. As a fellow believer I often become numb or callous to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of the countless times I have heard it preached, but how could I not hear that message and rejoice in what He has done!
It is a message of undeserving grace to a totally depraved sinner. Anything good is from Him alone and all else comes from the sinfulness of humanity. Why is it that I so quickly expect the Lord to do so many "good" things for me or expect to have countless "blessings" bestowed on my life? I have the most incredible gift, the only gift I could ever need anything else is just an added blessing, all of which I do NOT deserve. Therefore my satisfaction should be found in Him alone, in the cross of Christ! I should be thankful for the gift of grace and realize that anything good, any blessing (which are countless) comes from Him alone. I have more than I ever deserve or could ever need, I pray that He would be my complete satisfaction and that I wouldn't, in my pride, expect more to make me happy or satisfied, but find Him my all consuming passion!!
"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." -Psalm 90:14
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