Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What are you pursuing?

Everyone is pursuing something. Whether that be wealth, image, God, church, etc...whether we realize it or not, we are all striving after a goal. What is your goal? What are you pursuing?

Solomon was a wise man, in fact after Christ he was the wisest man on earth. He was not only wise but had everything he wanted...everything he laid his eyes on he got. "I denied myself nothing my eyes desired;
"I denied myself nothing my eyes desired;
I refused my heart no pleasure.
My heart took delight in all my work,
and this was the reward for all my labor."
(Ecclesiastes 2:10)
When thinking about Solomon and the way he lived we are quick to judge and make comments like, "How could he live like that?" and we often fail to take the advice he offers...priceless wisdom in fact.

Although we would never admit it we tend, even as Christians, to find satisfaction or contentment in worldly passions and pursuits. Why is it when we put on a new outfit we feel better about ourselves? Or why when we drive a nice car do we want others to see? Why do we dream about having a "perfect" American family or home? Or why do we dream the "American dream"? Although many of these things are not bad in and of themselves there is a problem when these things become consuming and things that we pursue over holiness and the Lord. We should have our hearts set and our minds focused solely on the Lord and glorifying Him and IF He chooses to bless us with earthly blessings then praise Him, but those things should never be our goals or the things that bring happiness. Because the reality is THEY DO NOT. We deceive ourselves in thinking that these material things and this dreams of the future will bring us more joy or contentment because it won't. The only thing that will bring you joy or true satisfaction is the Lord. And the way to pursue Him is through fellowship in His Word.

Getting in the Word will allow you to learn more about the greatness of our King and Creator and cause us to humbly worship and praise! How often do we fail to realize how great our God is. Why do we not pursue Him first and foremost like we should?

We need to really re-evaluate our lives. We need to look at our hearts and be honest with ourselves and find out what we are truly pursuing. If it isn't Christ may we take Solomon's wisdom to heart and radically change our lives.

Ecclesiastes 2:26
"To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind."

So What are you Pursuing?

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