Thursday, August 02, 2007

Watching God's Workmanship

As I sat at Revival Camp and watched the sunset behind the mountains and heard the sounds of several worshipping in the background I felt as though I got a glimpse of Christ's glory. The Holy Spirit's presence was so evident then and there in that moment. It was also at that moment that I realized the reality of what I faced a month in the future...leaving all of this behind as I embark on a new season in my life. It is a hard truth to grasp, yet one that although brings much sorrow brings hope and excitement as well!

The men and women that I have had the privilege of serving alongside at Compass over the past year have been such Godly examples as I grow in the Lord. I have been able to view not only Godly marriages, but friendships and co-worker relationships that edify, encourage, sharpen, and love one another with the love they have only received from Christ alone. I have never been so blessed by a group of fellow servants of the Lord. As I watched each one serve in different fashions at Revival camp it reminded me of how we truly are one body with differing functions. 1 Corinthians 12 (vs 27 "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it". Each one of us has been gifted with different abilities, strengths, or talents and when each one is following the Lord's guidance in how to use those to His glory He is magnified tenfold and that is exactly what I got to see unfold at camp.

Not only have I had the privilege of serving among some of God's most precious servants, but I have been able to serve some of the most incredible youth I have ever come in contact with, many of who challenge me. Some of these young men and women have shown me glimpses of Christ's love as they devote their lives to His glory and the furthering of His kingdom in every avenue of their lives. It has been a blessing to watch God use high school students as tools for His workmanship ("For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10). I have seen these students challenge one another with the Word, encourage one another, pray for one another, and even bear one another's burdens.

So as I move on for the semester to come, although it breaks my heart to know I will be missing out on serving with and serving these amazing disciples of the Lord, I am so excited to see God's faithfulness and continued work among these people. I look forward to coming back after a few months and seeing how God has moved in the lives of these leaders and students. I trust that as God continues His work at Compass He will be magnified, glorified, and proclaimed unashamed.

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
-Hebrews 10:23

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Vanessa I love you sooooo much and I can not believe your moving! I am in tears right now, just thinking about how much I have grown through you and all the times we have had together. I don't know what I will do without you this year. Revival and Mexico were so amazing and the Lord was definately magnified. This year would not have been the same without you and I probably would have some different perspectives on stuff if you had not opened my eyes to things that were not "glorifying" the Lord. Although I will still and have still made mistakes, my mindset has definately changed. I LOVE YOU!!! I WILL MISS YOU!!! The Lord is going to use you where ever you go though and I know His perfect plan will play out. Masters is where the Lord wants you right now, but I have no doubts when saying Compass was definately where you were needed this year, especially in my life. I can not stop crying when thinking about all of this. I am coming to visit you whether you like it or not :) Love you more then you know, Sarah