Monday, May 14, 2007

Spiritual Warfare: Duty, Danger, and Guaranteed Triumph

To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and perserved in Jesus Christ: mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you." -Jude 1-2

As human beings most are disgusted by war and even the idea of it. The loss of lives and the transforming capabilities put fear and uncertainity in many hearts. However, as MacArthur explains in his novel, "As detestable as warfare of any kind might be, there are causes for which NOT fighting is a far greater evil" (28).

Before we go on, we need to understand that the kind of fighting that Christ commands us as Christians to partake in is not one of flesh and blood against man. Scripture makes it very clear that fighting physically should not be a tool to advance the kingdom of Christ. We see Jesus' reminder to us with his very own disciple Peter in Matthew 26 where He reminded him that "those who take the sword will perish by the sword". And than on the other extreme, we can't go as far to say that the use of force in self defense, or acting lawfully is wrong biblically. Confused...what is God really saying you might ask??

As John notes, "Paul makes this clear in 2 Corinthians 10:5, where he spells out the ultimate objective for the truth war, ' casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ'" (32).

Most people, in fact most Christians reaction to standing up for the truth, even doctrinal truth, is "lets not bicker". But although this may sound loving and modest, we need to realize that people who aren't speaking or living by and in the truth are in violation of "the way of Jesus" as MacArthur puts it. John 6:63 reminds us that, "The words that I speak to you are spirit, they are life!" Our goal is to pursue righteousness, however look at the reminder of Paul to us all that as although Israel was "pursuing righteousness", they were looking for it in all the wrong places, and ultimately, they were condemned. Their flaw? Their belifes not their actions.

We need to realize, especially as Christians that it is SOOOO cruel to think that "what people belive really doesn't matter as long as they are good". That is anything but what God's Word has to say!!! Look at Brian McLaren, leader of the emergent church movement, and you are quick to see that they agree that as long as someone claims to be a believer in Jesus, they are saved. Is that what our salvation is based on?? Absolutely not. "Biblical orthodoxy encompasses orthopaxy. Both right doctrine and right living are absolutely essential and totally inseparable for the true child of God. That is the consistent teaching of Christ Himself" (MacArthur 37). James 2:26 supports this thought.

One of the major battles being fought in the church today is the TRUTH of God's word. But what is at stake?? The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Countless Christians throughout history have died for the gospel, it was worth it for it worth it for you to stand up and fight? Paul called the church in 1 Timothy, "the pillar and ground of truth". Therefore as MacArthur reminds us, we have a duty to use the sword of God's word against every human speculation and every worldly hypothesis raised up against the knowledge of God. "The church must pursue the fight and if church leaders are not setting the example, they are not being faithful to their calling" (40).

Why is Apostasy a threat and what is it?? In Satan's power and plan his goal is to employ and dupe as many agents as he can into his way. He uses not only demons and unbelievers as we well know, but his most effective tool is that of the church member, people who are associated with the truth, or even worse, those who proclaim it...angels of light. It happened during Pauls time as we see in Acts 20:29-31 and it is happening today, don't be foolish to think that it doesn't. There are people who claim to be "Christians" and who are knowledgeable in the word who aren't. Jude talks about these people throughout his epistle in Jude 4 he calls these men, "ungodly as they turned the grace of God into lewdness".

Apostasy, "the technical name for serious, soul-destroying error that arises form within the comes from 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and is translated 'falling away'" (43). So MacArthur asks us as I am sure you have asked yourself, can a genuine Christian fall away from the faith and become an apostate? NO! Scripture is clear that nobody can snatch you from the Living God, but there are many as 1 John talks about who, 'were not of us'. There are a lot of apostate pepole, belive it you must! It isn't new, it has been happening since Jude's time and it will continue to persist until the end of times. John MacArthur explains, "they might indentify with a church and therefore become an active and integral part of the earthly Christian community. Sometimes they even become leaders in a church. But they never really belive the truth with an undivided heart" (44). So an apostate is actually a "defector of the truth".

You need to realize that although few apostates are outspoken when it comes to their lies, most are very subtle in fact some don't even know that thhey are apostates, they are like wolves in sheeps clothing and they are driven by evil and self-aggrandizing motives including pride, rebellion, lust, and greed (2 Peter 2:10-19). Matthew 13 talks about the parable of the sower and the seeds, apostates can be like the seeds sprouting in the weedy or shallow soil ,they never take root! Don't let temporary appaearnce of spiritual health fool you!

Apostasy can have a huge effect not only on the people who are in contact with the apostate, but with entire congregations. They breed confusion, dissension, and insincerity and bring many people into the fold. They spread like leaven to the whole loaf and infect missionary agencies, seminaries, denominations, and churches. It is like a parasite effecting our corporate testimony. This has happened countelss times throughout church history with the mormons to the jehovah's witnesses.

Apostasy poses many dangers to the evangelical movement of today and this is because most Christians just dont care about the prevalence of falsehood and they don't take the fight against apostasy and for the truth seriously. The evangelical movement of today isn't "evangelical" for the most part. Most people think that our main duty is just to keep up with the fads and worldy culture to gain the approval of society. That strategy finds much support among the immature, weak, cowardly, and ignorant, and will never be truly effective. We are called to be different then the world. John 15:18-19, reminds us that God chose us out of thisi world and the world will hate us just like it hated him before us.

Something was happening in Judes day at the church and it provoked his message to be harsh yet true, and to remind those that were truly Christians, who were "sanctified and called by God" to beware of the warnings that he laid out. We must remember that our enemy is not with flesh and blood but with cosmic warfare, "engaging in armies of hel, which are arrayed against Christ" (49)...scary but true!

Remember that no true Christian has ever or will ever be the casualty in this Truth War because we are loved and kept secure by a Holy God. His word is a formidable weapon as MacArthur reminds us and that should motivate us to get into the battle and fight for the truth as we earnestly contest for the faith. We are promised that God will be victorous and the final triumph is guaranteed. "Because the One who is truth incarnate--the One whose honor and glory are therefore on the line--is both our Commander and Protector" (51).



Anonymous said...

Wow vaness, that blog was truly inspiring, as well as knowledgable too, if I spelled that right. I cannot wait to fight the good fight as pual did, and as he said it on his death bed. This blog really encouraged me to do so, but not physically ofcourse, but spiritually and with God on my side.

Anonymous said...



The following website summarizes over 165 lawsuits filed by Jehovah's Witnesses against their Employers, and/or incidents involving problem JW Employees:


The following website summarizes 300 U.S. court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah's Witness Parents, including 100+ cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children: