Last night at Compass TRUEnorth celebrated one year with our formal banquet!!! But more importantly we not only celebrated the amazing year we all had, but what God has done in and through the lives of the students has been an incredible thing to watch. I remember coming back in October when there were about 35 students on a Sunday, and now look at us we are over 80!!! And what an encouragement it is to see the students who have given their lives to Christ this year, and the students in the ministry who are on FIRE for our Holy Heavenly Father! What better way to live then to glorify Him in all we do?!?!
Continue on faithful students and followers of our Lord, keep on running the race! "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." Matthew 6:20
I feel so privileged to serve God by serving each one of you there (and not to mention serve alongside some of the most amazing Christian men and women I have ever met), and I am so blessed to watch God grow each of you! I love you all...especially my girls! Here are a few pictures from last night:

Vanessa, these pics are awesome and I had such a great time last night. I am so glad God put you into my life. I love you! You have helped me grow in my relationship with our Creator so much. I want to see more of the pics later :)
<3 Sarah
MMMMMMM, that was such a great night, I will never forget it(hopefully). I will not stop praising the Lord and working for Him in all I do Vanessa, you can count on that. It is just so amazing what He has done in all of our lives! Sarah is right, the pics are awesome, but why am I not in there??? JK. It is such a great thing, the Lord making me on fire for Him, longing for His word, to glorify Him and Him only, I have one question for Him. On that day when I see the Lord face to face, I will say one word.... Why? But until then, I will always ponder why He chose me to be in His family, why He chose me to be His servant, why He chose me to do the things He calls me to do. Thank you Vanessa. Good blog, inspires me to write one now.
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