Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Do You Want To Be Closer to the Lord?

We are ten days into the new year and studies show that most people break most if not all their new years resolutions within the first week of the new year. Why you might ask? Because it is hard to change...believe it or not, change isn't something that our bodies or our minds like or sign up for on a regular fact we would rather stay stagnant doing the same ole' routine over and over again because it is just easier.

Now most people make resolutions about loosing weight, excercising more, being a nicer person, being more honest, and the list goes on, but for Christians I guarantee that we all had one new years resolution in common..whether or not you called it that or not. But that was to draw nearer to the Lord. Now physically can we be any closer the the Lord then we already are? No, obviously not...but let me use this example. Lets say you are in a dating realtionship, your boyfriend or girlfriend moves out of the state. Is it possible for you to get closer despite the 2000 mile physical distance? Of course it is! You see our relationship with Christ can get closer, stronger, and better. When you go to meet your maker one day, dont you want it to be as if you had been sitting there at His feet all along? Definitely! But how do we do it? How can we get closer to the Lord this year. Pray more? Read my Bible more? Involve myself in a new bible study? It takes work! Yes boys and girls, we are going to have to work at it...your life is going to have to change. That means the two hours you spend watchinig TV or sitting on the computer each day, gets cut in half, or that movie that you just have to see on Friday, might have to get postponed. Priorities will doubt about it.

Here are 6 Tips from Psalm 73 to get you started...
1. Be Mindful of His Presence vs 23
If God is #1 in our life, He should ALWAYS be on our mind. Lets go back to the whole dating relationship thing...or prior to that even, if you have a crush on someone you are probably thinking about them quite often right? Or if you are in a relationship with someone, they are ever-present in your mind whether or not they are with you or not. It should be the same with your Father in heaven, your groom
2. Be Deferential to His Counsel vs 24
What? If you love someone you take their advice right? You value their opinion? Value the Lords, take heed to His guidance and counsel in all things in your life.
3. Be Desirious of His Blessings vs 25
No Im not saying pray every night for an hour for God to deliver that new sports car, or that new handbag, but we should desire the blessings of the Lord. He likes to bless us.
4. Be Dependent on His Help vs 26
Someone once said that we have to depend on the Lord to depend on Him...I agree with that. It is not in our own strength but in His. We need His help in fact, dont you realize that the times you slip and fall are the times you tried to do it all on your own?
5. Be Fearful of His Absence vs 27
Have you ever prayed for someone's safety because you had a dream that they got hurt driving home? The fear of not being with the Lord should drive us to our knees. Im not suggesting that you think about this every second, but you should remind yourself of what life would belike without Him...the truth is, when you think about life without someone...God in this draws you to a closer relationship with that person because you desire them more.
6. Be Proud of His Accomplishments v 27
Glorify the Lord. IN all things we are to bring glory to His name. He shows His glory in all things, from the mountains He created, to the bed he provided for proud of the Lords work in your life and in others. Share the good news...share His love, share His glory with ALL you meet.

This year, whether you have made a list of resolutions or not, make this your prayer...that you would "Hold unswervingly to the hope you profess, for He who is promised is faithful!" *Hebrews 10:23

Draw closer to Him in see your walk with the Lord is NEVER are either moving forward or back...dont move back this year!

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