Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Life of faith...

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." --Galatians 2:20 What an incredible life we have been called to! The Lord of all the universe has called me to a specific purpose and calling and He has allowed me to serve Him in that way! What a blessing and an absolute privilege. God has been doing a lot of transitioning, sanctifiying, and reshaping of my life in the past year. He has grown me, matured me, sretched me, taught me, and sanctified me in so many ways. It hasn't been easy, but nobody said that this life of faith would be easy...they only said that it would be worth it! I am so excited to see how God's plan will unfold. Although there is fear, hesitation, and confusion at time, there is this peace that surpasses all understanding and this hope that could only come from and be found in Christ alone! Sometimes we don't understand why God does things, but we aren't going to understand everything...but we don't need to worry, because the Lord of all the universe is holding us in His hand. Sometimes being "single" is hard...but look at it this way..."GOD'S NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET! TODAY HE HAS CALLED YOU TO SINGLENESS. USE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO FALL PASSIONATELY IN LOVE WITH YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. SERVE HIM WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART, AND GLORIFY HIM IN ALL YOU DO!"

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