I recently read a blog from a very Godly man, and thought I would share some of it with you.
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 – “Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”
"The Bible commands us to test things, to evaluate them and see if they meet God’s standard. The problem is that if we do this in the Christian church in our day and age we will be called judgmental. In fact, the best Bible teachers I have known in my life have all been called arrogant. I think that for a while now I have been afraid to be called these things myself. This has kept me silent. Nevertheless, there is a difference between being judgmental and exercising good judgment. We need to discern the things that pass the test and those that fail." -Bobbi Blakey
Standing up for the truth seems to always get you persecuted! However we as Christians were promised this...persecution! (John 15:20) But the bottom line is one day we will stand before the almighty God and all that will matter is that you can stand blameless before Him. And with the blood of Christ, God will look at you with His righteousness. Amazing! How sweet is that?!?!?!
When you feel like you are being attacked for evaluating writings, songs, bible studies, and even other Christians such as preachers to see if they meet God's standard...you aren't being judgemental, but rather BIBLICAL.
Live for Him, glorify Him in all you do and one day you will meet your Maker's face and here the beautiful longawaited words, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"
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