We live in a society with 'quick fixes' and 'microwave solutions'. We like 'how tos' and 'three easy steps' for everything. And if a book, movie, or even a sermon doesn't captivate our attention or benefit us in 5 minutes or less, we turn it off, either physically or mentally. And somehow we have allowed that mentality to infiltrate our thinking as believers, even when it comes to fighting sin and running the race we have been called to. The problem is, it doesn't work. And because it doesn't work, we find ourselves discouraged, beaten, and sometimes defeated. And this my friends, is exactly where the enemy wants us to be; because let's face it, if he can't win our souls, he will make sure that we are as ineffective as possible to win another. So what do we do, to fight the temptation when things get tough?
During Jesus' earthly ministry, He spoke often about the "Christian" life. Two statements, seemingly opposing, yet perfectly harmonious, teach us exactly what we need to renew our strength as we run this race.
In Matthew 16:24, Jesus says to His disciples...
"Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me."
This is COUNTERCULTURAL today, just as much as it was back then. There is no denial of self proclaimed in modern society, in fact it is the exact opposite. BUT, we must come to realize it is EXACTLY the fuel we need to ignite our passion, to spur us on, and to aide us in fighting the good fight. When we realize that we have been called to DENY ourselves, we are immediately pointed away from within and towards Christ. There is no pleasure principle here, there is no comfort, but radical obedience and humble following. When we focus on the Truth of this, we realize that it isn't easy, in fact it goes against EVERYTHING not only our culture is telling us but also what our body, our flesh, is telling us.
When the fight of sin is hard- we can find strength in knowing the Spirit is working in and through us, and know we are doing exactly what we are called to do- DENY SELF!
When the trials in our lives are discouraging- we can find joy and hope in knowing that God is sovereign and working in and through it to make us more like Christ as we DENY ourselves, our comforts, wants, desires, in order that His glory might be shown.
When we lack desire to run hard- we can remind ourselves that it is not about US, but rather all about DENIAL of our desires, wants, and feelings.
The thought of denial, although tough, is actually incredibly motivating and powerful to the believer...REMIND yourself of it daily!
Secondly, Jesus says the following in Matthew 11:30,
"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
What?! Didn't you just say that the Christian life was all about denial, and that seems HARD, not easy. Yes, exactly. But what we must come to realize is that what Jesus is speaking here is not what you might think-being a Christian is not EASY from a wordly standpoint. But our eyes must not be fixed on the world, on what is temporal, but rather on the eternal, we must be heavenly minded. The yoke Jesus calls us to "bear" is one that is lined with love. Matthew Henry said it well when speaking of the "yoke" believers bear, "Such is the nature of all Christ’s commands, so reasonable in themselves, so profitable to us, and all summed up in one word, and that a sweet word, love. So powerful are the assistances he gives us, so suitable the encouragements, and so strong the consolations, that are to be found in the way of duty, that we may truly say, it is a yoke of pleasantness. It is easy to the new nature, very easy to him that understandeth, Prov. 14:6. It may be a little hard at first, but it is easy afterwards; the love of God and the hope of heaven will make it easy."
And the burden...light? You might be thinking, you have no idea what burden I have had to bear, or am bearing. But Christian, Jesus is not negating the fact that you may suffer affliction for His precious name, but rather that it is light and momentary- as the Apostle Paul speaks of in 2 Corinthians where we read about the lack of comparison of the trivial trials on earth to the glory we will one day behold; or in Philippians 1 where we read, "to live is Christ and to die is gain". Our eyes must always be fixed on the eternal, never the temporal, and in the hope and glory that is to come!!
Here we can be encouraged, no matter where we may be in life, with the precious promise, that the life you have been called to is easy because Christ is leading and carrying you along the way!
So believer, find rest for your soul...we don't need a quick fix, or a how to in three easy steps...we simply need the Words of our Savior to find peace and instruction in the midst of it all, to live a life that is for Him and for His glory. Find rest in His solution...the cross of calvary, and run towards Him!
"The truths Christ teaches are such as we may venture our souls upon. The affections find rest in the love of God and Jesus Christ, and meet with that in them which gives them an abundant satisfaction; quietness and assurance for ever. And those satisfactions will be perfected and perpetuated in heaven, where we shall see and enjoy God immediately, shall see him as he is, and enjoy him as he is ours. This rest is to be had with Christ for all those who learn of him." -Matthew Henry
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
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