Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A Pointed Finger

"Every time you point a finger there are three fingers pointing back at you," said the sixth grade student last Sunday morning. Although the saying might be trite, the truth is something that hit me heavy. In that moment the Lord reminded me of a vital principle found in Matthew 7:5 "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."

You see it is so easy to point the finger-to notice the sin of another individual. It isn't a new concept, in fact, it began way back in Eden when Adam and Eve both pointed the finger instead of humbly confessing their own part in the sinful act. And as many times as I have heard this Truth exhorted, I so easily forget. It is so much easier to recognize the err of the other and not my own. But why?!

Truth be told, we are still encased in a fleshly body, that despite regeneration and sanctification, is marred until the day we are glorified. Christ promises us the ability to say no to sin, that we might sin less, but on this side of heaven, we will never be sinless. Jeremiah recognizes the sinfulness of the heart in chapter 17, something we too must constantly remind ourselves of. Although we are redeemed, we still have a bent towards pleasing ourselves, satisfying our cravings, and believing the best about who other than ourselves. And what is even more, Christians seem to want to believe that because we have been saved we are somehow "good". A wrong view of ourselves as believers will lead us to pointing the finger at the wrong person. It should be pointed right back at you.

If we would only take the time to ask the Spirit to humble us so that we might recognize our err in situations FIRST, much hurt because of further sin will be avoided. If we would humble ourselves to say sorry first, to recognize responsibility, and to seek reconciliation FIRST, Christ might receive that much more glory!

Let us take a lesson from a sixth grader, but more importantly from the Word of God, and stop, search our hearts, and seek God's strength before we ever point a finger.

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