Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Death for the Christian

Death...there seems to be a painful ring to that word. It is something not often discussed and yet a large part of reality each of us face. The truth fails to grasp our thoughts and quickly exits our minds as it enters. Let's face it, we really want nothing to do with talking about it. Although we know it is a fact, it is a fact we'd rather shy away from bringing up. And yet for the Christian this should not be the case. Paul himself said, "To live is Christ and to DIE is gain!" (Philippians 1:8). Or in Ecclesiastes 3:2, Solomon reminds us that there is "A time to be born, and a time to die". Death was not a foreign concept to the men and women of faith of old. James Smith said, "To the true Christian, sudden death--is sudden glory! The soul departs to be with Christ--which is far better than remaining here on this poor earth." John Owen, "We cannot enjoy peace in this world unless we are ready to yield to the will of God in respect of death. Our times are in His hand, at His sovereign disposal. We must accept that as best." And the list goes on. Death is real and for the Christian, death is GOOD!

Before you think I'm crazy, think about the reality of what death ends and what it brings. For the Christian death is the realization of faith in its most pure and perfect sense. Death is the moment of redemption from the fleshly body that we are entangled in. Death is the ultimate joy as we stand in the presence of the Almighty. Death is hope realized, promises made a reality...death is freedom.

I am not advocating that we be longing to die but rather that we continually hope in what is to come, remembering that we are merely passing through this world until we are finally home. Thinking about the reality of death however keeps us focused on our mission here, glorifying God in all we do as we seek to walk in a manner worthy of what we have been called. We are here to be lights in a dark and fallen world and to be vessels of honor for Him. Our days are numbered, short at that, and therefore we are to make the most of every opportunity as God could call us home at ANY moment. We are far from immutable and fully dependent on the Lord for every breath we take. Our prayer should be as Paul's was, we should LONG to be at home with the Father, to depart from here knowing that to die is gain...and yet find joy in knowing that we are here for a purpose and a reason, and that to live IS Christ!

Death for the Christian is more than a reality as it is for all of humanity; it is a blessed promise of hope fulfilled, joy made complete, and perfection realized as we enter into eternal glory with our Beloved Father!

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