The cross...I cannot comprehend. I am at a loss for words when I think about the cross, the more I seek to understand the depths of the riches of its mystery, the more profound it becomes and the more I must reach. In all of Scripture, every painting of this beautiful sacrifice, there is nothing that fully enables me to grasp the reality. Ancient hymns, sermons of old, present day authors, and amazing pastors today attempt to convey its meaning, its weight, its Truth, and yet I still thirst for more. The more I read, the more I want to know.
I have been reading Isaiah 53, Philippians 2, and Romans 3 and the common theme I find is LOVE, in the most perfect, pure and beautiful sense. There is a love displayed, shown, and bestowed upon the redeemed children of God that boggles the human finite mind. A love that is radical, undeserved, and magnificent found in the work of the cross. Sovereign Grace music has a song called, Jesus Thank You, that touches on how I am feeling as I seek to know the cross...
The mystery of the cross I cannot comprehend
The agonies of Calvary
You the perfect Holy One, crushed Your Son
Who drank the bitter cup reserved for me
Your blood has washed away my sin
Jesus, thank You
The Father’s wrath completely satisfied
Jesus, thank You
Once Your enemy, now seated at Your table
Jesus, thank You
By Your perfect sacrifice I’ve been brought near
Your enemy You’ve made Your friend
Pouring out the riches of Your glorious grace
Your mercy and Your kindness know no end
Lover of my soul
I want to live for You
I can't say it better than this song, it is exactly what I feel. I can't comprehend Calvary, and the more I seek to know the more amazed and humbled I will be. An enemy, that was me, an ENEMY of God, a hater of God, depraved, ugly, wicked, deserving of damnation for eternity and not anymore, because of the cross I am His friend?! And will one day be seated at His table at the marriage supper of the lamb (Rev. 19)?! Oh the riches of that grace, of that love, that would seek to save a sinner like me. I am amazed. He is the LOVER of my soul, oh that precious and incredible love. My response can and should be nothing less than wanting to live for Him, wholly.
"Thank you Jesus" doesn't sound appropriate for something as perfect as Calvary, but the gratitude I have cannot be expressed in the words I have. My prayer is that my life would show that gratitude, and that for eternity I will thank Him...even though that will never be enough. This love...oh this love, I stand amazed.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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