Wednesday, December 10, 2008

He Has it Under Control

As many of my blogs have been in the past, this blog too is about trusting God. I truly believe that the majority of believers, if not all, struggle continually with the understanding of the sovereignty of God and the implications that come along with that. Trusting God is not a natural ability and even when the Spirit indwells us it is still a struggle and a battle within to really grasp the reality and to enable yourself to hold firmly to it.

You can read countless verses in Scripture and meditate on them and yet it seems to plague our hearts at times in our lives. I was trying to think when most of us would experience this difficulty in trusting God and without a doubt the times that have been the hardest to trust in the Lord with my whole heart are in times of uncertainty whether that be a large trial, tribulation, or even a time of not knowing all the answers. What is interesting is that during those times it seems that I also am the most inclined to depend fully on the Lord and run to Him. I seem to cling tightly to His promises and delve into the Word, especially the Old Testament to understand the character of our faithful and good God. And then I wonder, how does that work? How can I not trust in God's faithfulness but yet so badly desire to depend on Him. And I realize that it is in my Spirit that I am desiring to depend on the Lord because I know that ultimately He is in control and He is the ONLY one who is going to enable me to trust Him, yet in my flesh I so badly desire to somehow gain an answer and control the situation(s).

With all of that said, whenever I am in the Word or find a piece of Scripture that helps me remember the right perspective to possess in this area I am even more encouraged by who He is!! Here is just that in Hababakkuk 3:17-19 says,

Though the fig tree should not blossom
And there be no fruit on the vines,
Though the yield of the olive should fail
And the fields produce no food,
Though the flock should be cut off from the fold
And there be no cattle in the stalls,
Yet I will exult in the LORD,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord GOD is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds' feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.

What an amazing reminder this is for us as believers. We need to place our trust and our full dependence upon the Lord and in His faithfulness and realize that God's providential workings are for the ultimate good and glory of us and His kingdom! Let us rejoice in the Lord NO MATTER WHAT and find our strength in Him, for it is He who is ultimately in control of all. And He has it under control...we have nothing to worry about.

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