Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christ is Our Wonderful Counselor

According to John MacArthur, “It is significant that one of the name’s of Christ is wonderful counselor”. The Psalms are a perfect evidence of what the mature believer does in times of trouble, distress, confusion, anxiety, doubt or fear…turn to the Lord. Why is that? Because every need of the human soul is ultimately spiritual. David is a great example to us all of what it looks like to run to God in all things. He knew that God had the ability and the answers to all life’s problems and issues. The sufficient God revealed Himself in His sufficient Word.

Psalm 19 gives evidence to the sufficiency of Scripture. In it David talks about distinguishing characteristics of the Word of God that give legitimacy and power to His faithfulness. First, we see that Scripture is powerful, restoring the soul. That means it is perfect and powerful enough to change lives. Second, Scripture is trustworthy, imparting wisdom. We want to base all things on TRUTH which is evidently God’s Word and not on personal experience. Third, Scripture is right causing joy. That means when we learn to obey God’s counsel and His wisdom we will find true joy and happiness. Scripture is pure, enlightening the eyes. That means it brings understanding where there is lacking information or ignorance. Fifth, Scripture is clean, enduring forever. Scripture needs no updating, it is completely true and relevant for every society, age and time period. Scripture is true and altogether righteous. That means that only believers have the truth about everything that is true and righteous, we have the truth about what really matters. And lastly it is much more than fine gold. That means that it is and should be more precious and valued than anything this world has to offer. Christians however tend to take their Bibles for granted. However, our spiritual health depends on putting the weight of everything on the Word of God.

The answers to life do not lie “deep within” as much of psychology would teach us. We learn from Scripture that actually what lies deep within is deceit, corruption and filth. When we reach down within ourselves we get lies, not answers. Even Christians however are not exempt from deceit. We need to seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit and pray for Him to enlighten us to the truths in Scripture that it may cause us to be refined and matured. Scripture does what no psychology could ever do…it pierces our hearts, it is a sword. Hebrews 4:13 teaches us that “God’s Word reveals the deepest thoughts and intentions of the human heart---so much so that all are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. We as believers must become people of the Word. It must mark our lives. God’s Word is able to fulfill every desire, need, want, longing etc. You’ll never know what the Word can do if you don’t study and apply it. And as the commandments throughout the New Testament instruct us, we need to counsel with the Bible…we are called to spur one another one, to encourage and admonish one another with the WORD OF GOD!

The Holy Spirit reveals truth to us. We can turn to him to discover that. The Spirit does the job of sanctifying us internally. The witness of the Spirit within us is proof that we have received salvation. Because of psychology and the culture today there is more reliance on “self” than on the Spirit for change. God and His Word through the testimony of His Spirit and the work of the cross is all we need.

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