Monday, January 07, 2008

Knowledge of The Holy by A.W. Tozer

“…The gravest question before the Church is always God Himself… –Tozer
“A person’s view of God defines them”. We were created as beings made to worship something. Whether a person chooses to worship the one true and living God or a god made of money or false religions, each one pursues something with passion. As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ we must strive hard to worship God with the glory due His name. Our view of our King is determined by our knowledge of the Holy One.
Gaining an adequate perspective and grasping the nature of who God is required of the Christian passionately pursuing the Lord. In our fleshly nature we tend to mentally draw up an image of a god whom we have created from our own perceptions. Often times our ideas of God are drawn from the beliefs of church leaders, authors, or those we respect. “Without doubt, the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God, and the weightiest word in any language is its word for God” (Tozer2). It is crucial that our idea or view of God correspond as closely to reality and truth derived from Scripture as possible. As we continue on in sanctification our view of God will determine much of our growth. Once one establishes a right view of God he or she is able to fully depend on and trust the sovereign God of the universe and live a life that glorifies Him alone.
Triune, divine, omnipresent, self-existent, self-sufficient, eternal, immutable, omniscient, wise, omnipotent, transcendent, faithful, good, just, merciful, grace giving, loving, holy, and sovereign; some of the attributes of the Almighty God we serve. A lifetime could go by and one would never be able to fully take hold and truly comprehend who God is. Yet in our continual growth as believers our study of His character enables us to fall more in love with Him, depend more greatly on Him, and gain the right view of ourselves in regards to who He is. Tozer brilliantly describes each of these attributes in concise yet adequate and scripturally based language that convict and encourages the heart of the believer. “When we say that God is infinite we mean that He knows no bounds. Whatever God is and all that God is, He is without limit” (Tozer 70). In order for us to view God as GOD we must begin our faithful journey of study in regards to the character of who He is, the more you know the more in love with Him you fall.
“To our questions God has provided answers; not all the answers, certainly, but enough to satisfy our intellects and ravish our hearts. These answers He has provided in nature, in Scriptures, and in the person of His Son” (Tozer 22). Studying God is delightful for the one who is thirsty for Him, the believer. As we think more accurately about who God is we come to a realization that we cannot describe this being. It is only by His transformation and grace that we even desire this pursuit. Christians must realize that “an attribute is not a part of God, it is how God is” (Tozer 25). God is who He claims to be throughout Scripture. His character never changes; He never does something to contradict His character or His promises. The sovereign Lord of the universe has always been, continues to be, and will always be; what a comforting thought. We as believers have been given a gift to share…God, “we are left for a season among men; let us faithfully represent Him here” (Tozer 184).


Anonymous said...

You should put more pictures on your blog

Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa
You have very good blog. I like it. And I don't think you need any pictures. Keep on doing it

Great Job
Your friend form church