Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Heart (part 2)

I have the privilege of being in a biblical counseling class here at Master's that teaches you principles for the marriage and family.

So often women and girls are often told to "guard their hearts" from our guy counterparts. But what we fail to realize is that when Solomon writes in Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life."
he is referring to guarding our hearts from our own selfish, lustful flesh! Think about that for a moment...we are given a warning that we should watch out for ourselves. It is so true though, we are easily persuaded by selfish desire, ambition and motivation and quick to desire to give into that fleshly instinct. We must watch ourselves closely, asking the Lord to chasten and refine us, praying that He would guide us and direct us and give us wisdom and that more importantly He would guard our hearts from the flesh.

What exactly is the heart?
-The inner man is at contrast with the outer man
-The Inner man has a comprehending mind, affections, and will
-Specific references are given to the mind
-Specific references are given to inclinations, resolutions and determinations of the will
-The Conscience
-A seat of appetites and passions
-A seat of New Testament lusts and desires-->having a strong desire for something

Ask yourselves these questions as you examine your own heart and its desires to see as David prayed if there is "any unclean way in me".

Where do you spend your time?
What are your priorities?
What do you think you need?
What motivates you?
I would be happy if...
What do you value or treasure?
What are you living for?

When pondering these questions we are quick to realize how evil and wicked our hearts truly are and how askew we are in what we seek first. Let us be motivated to produce good fruit from our hearts and it is again only through the work of Christ on the cross that we could ever attain anything towards holiness.

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