So yes I am officially gone and into my first few days at The Master's College and I couldn't be more blessed. God has shown Himself faithful once again and I am overjoyed to see Him work and look forward to the upcoming year.
Yesterday we had the privilege of attending Grace Community Church and during the college service I was compelled to action and to write this as I heard Rick Holland speak on what I have to say is on of my passions and I guarantee each Christian's as well...the glory of God!
Rick took us to 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1
23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.
25Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, 26for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."[a]
27If some unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience. 28But if anyone says to you, "This has been offered in sacrifice," then do not eat it, both for the sake of the man who told you and for conscience' sake[b]— 29the other man's conscience, I mean, not yours. For why should my freedom be judged by another's conscience? 30If I take part in the meal with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of something I thank God for?
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
In this passage of scripture the disciple is taught to observe what Rick laid out as three considerations prior to ANY action or deed we do; these being, edification, exaltation and lastly evangelism. As Christians we so often say that we are motivated and passionate about living for God's glory or that we desire to glorify Him, but so often our actions do not match our words...our lives don't always mirror this. In fact many times, it is the hypocritical lifestyles we lead that can stumble our brothers and sisters and an unbeliever. So ask yourself the following the next time you test yourself:
EDIFICATION (10:23-30)
What does edify mean, you might ask. Does everything you do build up others or is it tearing up others VIEW OF GOD? Are you following God's thread of discipleship? You must, MUST, MUST look out for is your job as a faithful disciple of the Lord.
Whatever you do, do all to God! You must deliberately exalt HIM not live by default. What is your default? To live for yourself, to please your flesh to glory in YOU. Live differently then the world and exalt HIM alone.
EVANGELISM (10:32-11:1)
This calls us to live selflessly in which we don't cause others who are less mature in the Lord to stumble, in which we set an example for the believer and non-believer alike and in which we are a living breathing example of the gospel....of JESUS CHRIST!
So the next time you desire to glorify HIM or you say you are...evaluate yourself and allow God show you and teach you how to honor and glory in Him alone!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Every Next Step Is an Extraordinary Scene

The words of Jeremy Camp's song, "Beyond Measure", resonate in my heart and mind as I approach this new season and say goodbye to the last. The chorus sounds like this:
I know that I’ve been,
Given more than beyond measure,
I come alive when,
I see beyond my fears
I know that I’ve been given more than earthly treasure,
I come alive when
I’ve broken down and given you control
As I watched my best friend walk down the aisle on what is sure to be one of the happiest days of her life, my eyes filled with tears. Not only was I moved by the perfect picture of marriage that Christ lays out in scripture, but I was realizing that the last page of this recent chapter in my life had been closed and as for her, a new one had just begun. It is in moments like this that I see God's hand of faithfulness and perfection. I realized at that very moment as she and her husband vowed a variety of promises to one another at how precious life is and how many blessings we have each been entrusted.
I look back on this last season in my life and I am amazed at God's gargantuan power and strength. He has shown His hand countless times as He has allowed me the privilege and honor of serving Him in a variety of ways. Not only that but He has used trials and tribulation to sanctify me and mold me slowly but surely into His Son's image. I think about what I deserve apart from the saving work of Christ and I am moved to tears at His love, compassion, and mercy on a sinner like me. The Psalmists countless times pray for and ask for mercy as I have in this past season of my life. I remember praying Psalm 86:6 over and over again,"Hear my prayer, O LORD; listen to my cry for mercy" and that peace and assurance of His answer filled my heart and mind.
Another line in Camp's song is "every next step is an extraordinary scene". Wow! Think about that for a moment...each step the Lord guides you, one by one, is a blessing and brings glory to our Father. When I look back on this past season this is all I can say, that each step has been extraordinary. God has shown Himself faithful over and over again and blessed me with more than I could ever have dreamed. Not only that, but I have truly come to realize that His ways are far better than mine, and that His timing is definitely much more accurate and fact it is perfect.
So as I said goodbye to my best friend as she embarks on this new season in her life in Colorado, the tears fell, but at the same time the excitement for what is yet to come echoed in my mind. It was in a moment while driving that I realized I too am headed for a new season, a time of cultivating and sanctifying, a time of new joy and anticipation for what is yet to come. I am overjoyed and enthusiastic about how God will show Himself fully and glorify Himself in this next chapter of my life...all I know is that it will be far better than I imagine or plan and that this next step in life will be an extraordinary scene.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Trusting the Lord Always
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight."
-Proverbs 3:5-6
Last night was my best friend and her fiance's wedding rehearsal. The whole thing was surreal to me, I don't think I ever pictured the day that this would come. It was a great time of fellowship and fun, yet it got me really thinking and propelled me to write this blog.
I am going to be bluntly honest here and share a struggle that I often have, that is trusting fully and completely in the Lord when it comes to life-changing things. For a long time I have thought that it wasn't that I thought that He would let me down, because I believed He was faithful right? But the truth of the matter was that if I really did trust in the Lord with my WHOLE heart and believe that He was big enough to do anything I wouldn't fret and worry.
Over the past 6 months or so as Lauren's maid-of-honor, I have had the privilege of watching God sanctify both Danny and her more and more into His son's image and I have watched Christ grow them closer to each other preparing them for marriage. It has been a neat thing to see God's faithful hand slowly (definitely not in our timing) but surely, work everything out so smoothly and perfectly in His perfect will and plan. Both Lauren and I have talked countless times about how we fail to trust God with things yet has He ever let one of us down? No, of course not. As I see my best friend preparing for what is the second biggest day of her life after the day she became part of the Lord's family, there are tears in my eyes. I am so thrilled for this next season, not only in their lives, but in others as well, yet I am heartbroken at the fact that I am loosing my best friend, or at least it seems.
This morning God revealed to me once again that I am not fully trusting in His sovereignty and perfection. I need to realize that although yes things will change, He is ordaining this, His hand is upon this situation and I have nothing to worry about. Yes things will change, but for the better? I sat thinking about that for a moment...for the better? Could it really be. How could the fact that my best friend living thousands of miles away married could be better then how it used to be? I don't know, but what I do know is that God is faithful and that He is orchestrating each step we take as we obediently follow Him and His word. I am excited to see God use Danny and Lauren to further His kingdom in Colorado. And whether or not we see each other once a year or every ten, I am overjoyed to know I will spend eternity with the both of them! And what will I do while I wait on His coming, I will pray that God continues to sanctify me and use me for His kingdom.
"I went on with my eager pursuit after more holiness and conformity to Christ. The heaven I desired was a heaven of holiness." -Jonathan Edwards
Here are some pics from last night:

and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight."
-Proverbs 3:5-6
Last night was my best friend and her fiance's wedding rehearsal. The whole thing was surreal to me, I don't think I ever pictured the day that this would come. It was a great time of fellowship and fun, yet it got me really thinking and propelled me to write this blog.
I am going to be bluntly honest here and share a struggle that I often have, that is trusting fully and completely in the Lord when it comes to life-changing things. For a long time I have thought that it wasn't that I thought that He would let me down, because I believed He was faithful right? But the truth of the matter was that if I really did trust in the Lord with my WHOLE heart and believe that He was big enough to do anything I wouldn't fret and worry.
Over the past 6 months or so as Lauren's maid-of-honor, I have had the privilege of watching God sanctify both Danny and her more and more into His son's image and I have watched Christ grow them closer to each other preparing them for marriage. It has been a neat thing to see God's faithful hand slowly (definitely not in our timing) but surely, work everything out so smoothly and perfectly in His perfect will and plan. Both Lauren and I have talked countless times about how we fail to trust God with things yet has He ever let one of us down? No, of course not. As I see my best friend preparing for what is the second biggest day of her life after the day she became part of the Lord's family, there are tears in my eyes. I am so thrilled for this next season, not only in their lives, but in others as well, yet I am heartbroken at the fact that I am loosing my best friend, or at least it seems.
This morning God revealed to me once again that I am not fully trusting in His sovereignty and perfection. I need to realize that although yes things will change, He is ordaining this, His hand is upon this situation and I have nothing to worry about. Yes things will change, but for the better? I sat thinking about that for a moment...for the better? Could it really be. How could the fact that my best friend living thousands of miles away married could be better then how it used to be? I don't know, but what I do know is that God is faithful and that He is orchestrating each step we take as we obediently follow Him and His word. I am excited to see God use Danny and Lauren to further His kingdom in Colorado. And whether or not we see each other once a year or every ten, I am overjoyed to know I will spend eternity with the both of them! And what will I do while I wait on His coming, I will pray that God continues to sanctify me and use me for His kingdom.
"I went on with my eager pursuit after more holiness and conformity to Christ. The heaven I desired was a heaven of holiness." -Jonathan Edwards
Here are some pics from last night:

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Your Standard?
Let's face it, we all have standards for different things in our life. For some of us, it may be our grades, for others our sports, and for even others our reputations. We have things or people that we hold in high regards and try to measure up to, or even surpass to allow us to pat ourselves on the back for being oh so wonderful.
As Christians, disciples of the Lord, we are called to live a different life. Our life is one that goes completely against the grain. As the world is going in one direction, we are going in the complete opposite. At times it is easy for even Christians to fall prey to measuring their "good deeds" or even their "sin" up to that of the worlds and feel better or more holy, but we must understand that when we are doing that, we are measuring ourselves up to the prince of this world. And that is the lowest standard possible!
We are called rather to measure ourselves up to the one and only standard of perfect holiness that we have, Jesus Christ. He came and lived the perfect life that we couldn't live amidst the temptation, pressure, and utter depravity of this world. Although our perfection will not come until we enter into eternity that is not an excuse to fail to measure ourselves up to Him. God doesn't say "TRY" to be holy but rather "BE" holy.
"for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
-1 Peter 1:16
In our actions, in our speech, in our thoughts, in our lives we have a standard and that is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Ask yourselves an honest question, what or who is your standard and then carefully evaluate His word and His calling for you and start measuring yourself up to Him! Is this an impossible task? No, absolutely not, God assures us that He will enable us, and it is only by Him, His grace and His power that we could ever even attempt to measure up.
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." -2 Peter 1:3
As Christians, disciples of the Lord, we are called to live a different life. Our life is one that goes completely against the grain. As the world is going in one direction, we are going in the complete opposite. At times it is easy for even Christians to fall prey to measuring their "good deeds" or even their "sin" up to that of the worlds and feel better or more holy, but we must understand that when we are doing that, we are measuring ourselves up to the prince of this world. And that is the lowest standard possible!
We are called rather to measure ourselves up to the one and only standard of perfect holiness that we have, Jesus Christ. He came and lived the perfect life that we couldn't live amidst the temptation, pressure, and utter depravity of this world. Although our perfection will not come until we enter into eternity that is not an excuse to fail to measure ourselves up to Him. God doesn't say "TRY" to be holy but rather "BE" holy.
"for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
-1 Peter 1:16
In our actions, in our speech, in our thoughts, in our lives we have a standard and that is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Ask yourselves an honest question, what or who is your standard and then carefully evaluate His word and His calling for you and start measuring yourself up to Him! Is this an impossible task? No, absolutely not, God assures us that He will enable us, and it is only by Him, His grace and His power that we could ever even attempt to measure up.
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." -2 Peter 1:3
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Watching God's Workmanship
As I sat at Revival Camp and watched the sunset behind the mountains and heard the sounds of several worshipping in the background I felt as though I got a glimpse of Christ's glory. The Holy Spirit's presence was so evident then and there in that moment. It was also at that moment that I realized the reality of what I faced a month in the future...leaving all of this behind as I embark on a new season in my life. It is a hard truth to grasp, yet one that although brings much sorrow brings hope and excitement as well!
The men and women that I have had the privilege of serving alongside at Compass over the past year have been such Godly examples as I grow in the Lord. I have been able to view not only Godly marriages, but friendships and co-worker relationships that edify, encourage, sharpen, and love one another with the love they have only received from Christ alone. I have never been so blessed by a group of fellow servants of the Lord. As I watched each one serve in different fashions at Revival camp it reminded me of how we truly are one body with differing functions. 1 Corinthians 12 (vs 27 "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it". Each one of us has been gifted with different abilities, strengths, or talents and when each one is following the Lord's guidance in how to use those to His glory He is magnified tenfold and that is exactly what I got to see unfold at camp.
Not only have I had the privilege of serving among some of God's most precious servants, but I have been able to serve some of the most incredible youth I have ever come in contact with, many of who challenge me. Some of these young men and women have shown me glimpses of Christ's love as they devote their lives to His glory and the furthering of His kingdom in every avenue of their lives. It has been a blessing to watch God use high school students as tools for His workmanship ("For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10). I have seen these students challenge one another with the Word, encourage one another, pray for one another, and even bear one another's burdens.
So as I move on for the semester to come, although it breaks my heart to know I will be missing out on serving with and serving these amazing disciples of the Lord, I am so excited to see God's faithfulness and continued work among these people. I look forward to coming back after a few months and seeing how God has moved in the lives of these leaders and students. I trust that as God continues His work at Compass He will be magnified, glorified, and proclaimed unashamed.
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
-Hebrews 10:23
The men and women that I have had the privilege of serving alongside at Compass over the past year have been such Godly examples as I grow in the Lord. I have been able to view not only Godly marriages, but friendships and co-worker relationships that edify, encourage, sharpen, and love one another with the love they have only received from Christ alone. I have never been so blessed by a group of fellow servants of the Lord. As I watched each one serve in different fashions at Revival camp it reminded me of how we truly are one body with differing functions. 1 Corinthians 12 (vs 27 "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it". Each one of us has been gifted with different abilities, strengths, or talents and when each one is following the Lord's guidance in how to use those to His glory He is magnified tenfold and that is exactly what I got to see unfold at camp.
Not only have I had the privilege of serving among some of God's most precious servants, but I have been able to serve some of the most incredible youth I have ever come in contact with, many of who challenge me. Some of these young men and women have shown me glimpses of Christ's love as they devote their lives to His glory and the furthering of His kingdom in every avenue of their lives. It has been a blessing to watch God use high school students as tools for His workmanship ("For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10). I have seen these students challenge one another with the Word, encourage one another, pray for one another, and even bear one another's burdens.
So as I move on for the semester to come, although it breaks my heart to know I will be missing out on serving with and serving these amazing disciples of the Lord, I am so excited to see God's faithfulness and continued work among these people. I look forward to coming back after a few months and seeing how God has moved in the lives of these leaders and students. I trust that as God continues His work at Compass He will be magnified, glorified, and proclaimed unashamed.
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
-Hebrews 10:23
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Living Out Worship
"Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:2
It is easy in today's contemporary Christian music world to get numb to the meaning of worship. With Christian bands, concerts, and radio stations constantly amusing with song and joining fellow Christians in worship around the globe, the words that come forth from the lips of the saved begin to sound like a clanging cymbal to many.
After considering why it is when a new worship song comes out people are drawn to it and excited, I came to the realization that as with any type of music people often look at these precious worship songs as nothing more than mere words on a page or a good melody strung together. What is worship? The Webster dictionary defines worship as a verb, " to honor or reverence as a divine being or supernatural power". The Word of God describes worship with various words including "sacrifice, praise, honor, and glory".
From generations past until today, followers of our Lord have knelt, raised hands, and lifted their voices high in worship to the King. But how many times were those words sung without understanding, without true devotion, and with a numbness to His glory? Recently in True North, we began singing a song by Eowghen Heaslip titled All That Matters which includes phrases like "you are all that satisfies, all that gives me life, you are my portion, my only pation, Jesus you mean EVERYTHING to me". As I listened to the praises of the people among me raising up their voices in unison and singing out these words, I listened carefully to the words being echoed and in one swift moment realized I too had fallen victim to just singing out words. I realized that if I was going to be singing these words such as, "you are my only passion" that I had to live that out. I couldn't just sing that to my King and than later forget the prayer that I had just cried out. I needed to live out that worship in my daily life at all times.
As disciples of the Lord we mustn't forget why we sing, we must never become clanging cymbals as we repeat phrase after phrase of a worship song, and may we never sing words without meaning our praise, as disciples we are called to worship the Lord always, living it out everywhere we go, in everything we do, no matter where we are or what we may be going through!
"Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the LORD our God is holy." PsaLm 99:9
It is easy in today's contemporary Christian music world to get numb to the meaning of worship. With Christian bands, concerts, and radio stations constantly amusing with song and joining fellow Christians in worship around the globe, the words that come forth from the lips of the saved begin to sound like a clanging cymbal to many.
After considering why it is when a new worship song comes out people are drawn to it and excited, I came to the realization that as with any type of music people often look at these precious worship songs as nothing more than mere words on a page or a good melody strung together. What is worship? The Webster dictionary defines worship as a verb, " to honor or reverence as a divine being or supernatural power". The Word of God describes worship with various words including "sacrifice, praise, honor, and glory".
From generations past until today, followers of our Lord have knelt, raised hands, and lifted their voices high in worship to the King. But how many times were those words sung without understanding, without true devotion, and with a numbness to His glory? Recently in True North, we began singing a song by Eowghen Heaslip titled All That Matters which includes phrases like "you are all that satisfies, all that gives me life, you are my portion, my only pation, Jesus you mean EVERYTHING to me". As I listened to the praises of the people among me raising up their voices in unison and singing out these words, I listened carefully to the words being echoed and in one swift moment realized I too had fallen victim to just singing out words. I realized that if I was going to be singing these words such as, "you are my only passion" that I had to live that out. I couldn't just sing that to my King and than later forget the prayer that I had just cried out. I needed to live out that worship in my daily life at all times.
As disciples of the Lord we mustn't forget why we sing, we must never become clanging cymbals as we repeat phrase after phrase of a worship song, and may we never sing words without meaning our praise, as disciples we are called to worship the Lord always, living it out everywhere we go, in everything we do, no matter where we are or what we may be going through!
"Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the LORD our God is holy." PsaLm 99:9
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