"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." -Acts 20:24
Friday, July 20, 2007
I just got home from a family vacation to Yosemite and the surrounding areas. The only words I can use to describe what I saw is breath-taking or awe-inspiring, but what it truly is is indescribable. God's creativity, His absolute power is wonderfully amazing and all together captivating. I wonder as I see things such as these how people could think these things happened "by accident", how they couldn't believe there was an all powerful and sovereign Lord and creator behind it all. Here are just a few snapshots of God's art:
My prayer is that you might be encouraged by what God is teaching me and putting on my heart to share with you, that you would seek to become a mirror that reflects Him and that HE would be your one aim, your one passion, and the love of your life.
Looks like a lot of fun! I need to go there sometime... Yes, isn't great to see all of God's power displayed all over the world? He is so good
i have to agree, those were some amazing pics....did you take them?
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