This past week I had the privilege of serving alongside other disciples of Christ as we were used as tools for His glory in the lives of about 100 high school and junior high students. My church, Compass Bible Church, prayerfully and ambitiously put together a week long summer camp at Lake Isabella. I have to admit that I was very skeptical of the whole idea, even up to the day before the students arrived. I couldn't imagine what God was going to do and I failed to trust Him wholly in His upcoming work. Was I wrong!
God moved in big and small ways as He used Pastor Mike's teaching to pierce deep within the hearts of students and leaders alike as God's word challenged each to examine their hearts and their lives and evaluate the eternal standing. We looked at Matthew chapter 19 the entire week and the parable of the rich young ruler. This man was unwilling to give up everything, his riches in specific, to surrender all, repent, and follow the King. This passage motivated many to realize that they too were not ready to give up everything (relationships, money, or whatever it might be) and in a sense, "jump off the cliff" and follow Him.
Our prayer prior to the camp was that God would do a revival in the lives of many if not all...hints the camp's name, "Revival '07". I remember as my skeptism increased praying that God would reach out an save one soul and if He did that it would be worth it. I knew that if nobody changed and if students would have left only enjoying the games or the fellowship that our work was in vain, but God exceeded any of our expectations. He did a revival in the lives of more than 50 students (whether that be in saving lost sheep or reviving the dry) this weekend and allowed us to get a glimpse of His greatness and glory.
Although this trip was a time for students, I think that each individual present (whether 7 or 47) was challenged and encouraged to continue on with a fervor and passion for our Great God. Mike's teaching convicted both the lost and the found to never run dry with a zeal to serve Him with your whole heart all the time. It is easy to get caught up in the selfishness of our own hearts and our own desires and we need to constantly be checking our motives and our passions to make sure that they are aligned with the Word of the Lord and that they are furthering His kingdom. I am excited to see what God will continue to do in the lives of not only the youth in True North and the Narrow but also in the hearts of the leaders and others who were hand picked by Him to be used this weekend.
May this year for each one of us be a revival, a time of examining our own lives and seeing where we stand with the Lord, and when that is done and He continues to mold and sanctify us may we pray, "REVIVE US O LORD!"